Independent experts nominated by country party

Kani Isik

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Thematic Areas
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Emeritus Prof. Dr.
Science Faculty, Biology Dept, Akdeniz Universuty
Telephone number
0532 362 72 06
Work experience
I had chance to study different aspects of environmental sciences, including forestry, genetics, ecology and evolution during my PhD studies (1968-1974) at the College of Natural Resources at the Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, USA. During my two years visit 10 years later as a Fulbright Research scholar (1984-1986), I was involved in ecosystem analyses, biodiversity studies, emphasizing on genetic variation and adaptation in forest tree species. _x000D_
I worked at three different Universities in Turkey from 1975 to 2014 (Hacettepe, Middle East Tech. and Akdeniz Univ.). During this period, I have been involved both in teaching and research activities on ecology, genetics, and population biology covering both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. I have completed more than 30 original research projects which have been supported mainly by TUBITAK, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Fulbright Research grants and the University funds. Please refer to my web page for further information._x000D_
Thematic areas: _ Adaptation (Genetic), Biological Diversity, Reforestation, Ecological Resistance, Ecological Services
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
(1) BS in Forestry. Istanbul University, Buyukdere - Istanbul, Turkey, 1966._x000D_
(2) PhD., Univ. of California, School of Natural Resources, Berkeley, Calif., USA, 1974.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Isik, K., F. Yaltirik and A. Akesen. 1998. The interrelationship of forests, biological diversity and the maintenance of the natural resources. Unasylva 48 (190/191)(19-29), FAO Publ. Rome, Italy. _x000D_
2. ISIK, K. 2004. Plant Biology. (Translation Editor). (Original authors: L.E. Graham, J.M. Graham, L. W. Wilcox. 2003. Plant Biology, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 497 pp + xxxv + Appendices 72 pp. [(in Turkish: Bitki Biyolojisi. Palme Yayincilik, Ankara, Turkey. 497 ss. + xxxv + Ekler 71 ss.(ISBN: 975-8624-90-3)]. _x000D_
3. Isik, K. and J. Kleinschmit. 2005. Similarities and effectiveness of test environments in selecting and deploying desirable genotypes. Theor Appl Genet. 110:311-322. (Springer, Germany)_x000D_
4. ISIK, K. 2008. Fundamentals of Ecology. (Translation Editor). (Original Authors: E.P. Odum and G.W. Barrett. 2005. Fundamentals of Ecology, Thomson Learning Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA, USA, 624 pp. [in Turkish: Ekoloji’nin Temel Ilkeleri. Palme Yayincilik, Ankara, Turkey. 598 ss. + xxii ss (ISBN:978-9944-341-74-5)]. _x000D_
5. Guller, B.; Isik, K.; Cetinay, S. 2011. Genetic variation in Pinus brutia Ten.: Wood density traits. BioResources 6 (4): 4012-4027 (Raleigh, NC., USA).
Other activities
1. Society of Economic Botany (New York, N.Y.);_x000D_
2. Society of American Foresters (Washington, D.C.); _x000D_
3. Turkish Biological Society (Türk Biyoloji Dernegi) (Ankara); _x000D_
4. Chamber of Forest Engineers (TMMOB Orman Müh. Odasi) (Ankara); _x000D_
5. Turkish Society of A.v. Humboldt Scholars (Humboldt Bursiyerleri Dernegi) (Ankara);
1. TUBITAK Junior Scientist Achievement Award (1986). Given by TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) to junior scientists below age of 40 years. July 1986. _x000D_
2. Forester of the Year Award (Presented by Turkish Society of Foresters on the occasion of World Forestry Day, due to his scientific contributions on Biological Diversity and Forest Gene Resources in Turkey, on March 2004, Ankara). _x000D_
3. Distinguished Service Award in Environmental Sciences (2008). Given by Akdeniz University for his valuable research and publications on environmental sciences and biodiversity.
Organisation name
Ankara University
Organisation street address
Organisation city
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