Independent experts nominated by country party
Ruben Petrosyan
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Agro- forestry
Natural Resource Management
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken
Job function
Chief Forester, Deputy Director
Telephone number
+374 10 65-02-70/20-88-58
Work experience
2004 - to present Deputy director,Chief forester, “Hayantar” SNCO_x000D_
2002 – 2004 Executive director “Green Land” NGO_x000D_
2001 - 2002 Vice President “Green Land” NGO_x000D_
1998 - 2000 Deputy director,chief forester “Hayantar” SCJSC_x000D_
1995 – 1998 Head of Department of afforestation, reforestation and agroforestry. “Hayantar” State Forest Service_x000D_
1992 – 1995 General specialist, “Hayantar” State Forest Service_x000D_
1992 - 1999 Lecturer, subject - ”Forest silviculture”, Faculty of Forestry, Armenian Agricultural Academy._x000D_
1989 - 1992 Senior research worker, Forestry Department, Institute of Botany. _x000D_
1981 - 1989 Junior research worker, Forestry department Institute of Botany._x000D_
1978 - 1981 Laboratory assistant, Forestry department Institute of Botany.
2002 – 2004 Executive director “Green Land” NGO_x000D_
2001 - 2002 Vice President “Green Land” NGO_x000D_
1998 - 2000 Deputy director,chief forester “Hayantar” SCJSC_x000D_
1995 – 1998 Head of Department of afforestation, reforestation and agroforestry. “Hayantar” State Forest Service_x000D_
1992 – 1995 General specialist, “Hayantar” State Forest Service_x000D_
1992 - 1999 Lecturer, subject - ”Forest silviculture”, Faculty of Forestry, Armenian Agricultural Academy._x000D_
1989 - 1992 Senior research worker, Forestry Department, Institute of Botany. _x000D_
1981 - 1989 Junior research worker, Forestry department Institute of Botany._x000D_
1978 - 1981 Laboratory assistant, Forestry department Institute of Botany.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
•Agronomist, Armenian Agricultural Institute, 1981 _x000D_
•PhD., Candidate of Biological Sciences -1988.
•PhD., Candidate of Biological Sciences -1988.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1.”Peculiarities of seasonal development and phytoproductivity of east beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) in Armenia. Yerevan, 1988, 169p.,,_x000D_
2. “Ways of reforestation of Sevan basin Forests” Sevan lake, 1996, p. 124_x000D_
3. “Reforestaion of cut-down forests in Armenia”. Proceeding of the XI World Forestry Congress Antalia, 1997, v.3, 81_x000D_
4. “Planting hybrid poplars in Armenia”, IPS-2000, “Poplar and Willow Culture”, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2000
2. “Ways of reforestation of Sevan basin Forests” Sevan lake, 1996, p. 124_x000D_
3. “Reforestaion of cut-down forests in Armenia”. Proceeding of the XI World Forestry Congress Antalia, 1997, v.3, 81_x000D_
4. “Planting hybrid poplars in Armenia”, IPS-2000, “Poplar and Willow Culture”, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2000
Other activities
2009 to present Project Coordinator FAO/TCP/ARM/3203 (D) Forest Tenure in Central Asia_x000D_
2008 National Expert Presentation ?Tendencies in forest ownership, the use of forest resources and Institutional structures of Republic of Armenia? _x000D_
2002-2005 National coordinator Forestry Outlook Study for West and Central Asia (FOWECA) _x000D_
2001 Armenian national capacities self-estimation for global environmental Management (UNDP/GEF/ARM/02/G31/A/1G/99) – local expert “Climate change investigations in Armenia” (Second phase) “Forest ecosystem affection and greenhouse gases absorption development” advisor _x000D_
1999 SAF Poplar Conference Pasco, Washington State, USA
2008 National Expert Presentation ?Tendencies in forest ownership, the use of forest resources and Institutional structures of Republic of Armenia? _x000D_
2002-2005 National coordinator Forestry Outlook Study for West and Central Asia (FOWECA) _x000D_
2001 Armenian national capacities self-estimation for global environmental Management (UNDP/GEF/ARM/02/G31/A/1G/99) – local expert “Climate change investigations in Armenia” (Second phase) “Forest ecosystem affection and greenhouse gases absorption development” advisor _x000D_
1999 SAF Poplar Conference Pasco, Washington State, USA
Organisation name
Ministry of Agriculture
Organisation street address
129 Armenakyan, 0074
Organisation city
Organisation country
Organisation website