Independent experts nominated by country party

Sibel Kalaycioglu

Prof. Dr.
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
and Sociology
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Lecturer and Researcher
Deapartment of Sociology, Middle East Technical University
Telephone number
0090 0090 312 2105992
Work experience
I have supervised many masters and Phd thesis on poverty, welfare regime, ageing and the elderly care, Roman identity, Communities in Hatay, Labour unions, youth unemployment, citizenship. In 2000 coordinated two World Bank funded projects on migrant women’s labour force participation mainly in the informal sector like paid domestic work and care workers. 2010-2011 I main coordinator of EU funded project on women’s employment and entrepreneurship project coordinated many university funded research on rural-urban migration, poverty dynamics, intergenerational relations. TUBITAK funded research, living arrangements of elderly and developing an Socio-Economic index for Turkey. Since 2000 I have coordinated some research on regional development, mainly on GAP Region of Turkey. Also since 2002 I have participated in many interdisciplinary projects on assessment of social vulnerability during earthquakes, disaster management, sustainable mining and mine working, Socio-economic and environmental effects of mining, social effects of climate change. I have conducted two researches funded by UNDP on electricity privatization and its effects on poor households. My recent research interests are sustainable regional development, social development, sustainability indicators, social vulnerability indicators.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
BSc in Sociology, Middle East Technical University
Publication titles
1. Sibel Kalaycioglu, Helga Rittersberger-Tiliç, Kezban Çelik, and Fatime Günes, (2006), "Integrated Natural Disaster Risk Assessment: The Socio-Economic Dimension of Earthquake Risk in the Urban Area" in "Geohazards", Farrokh Nadim ...Symposium Series, Volume P7; ttp://
2.Kalaycioglu,S. (2006); “Dynamics of Poverty in Turkey: gender, rural/urban poverty, social networks and reciprocal survival strategies” in Poverty and Social Deprivation in the Mediterranean Area: Trends, Policies and Welfare Prospects in the New Millennium, eds. Petmesidou M. & Papatheodorou C, London: Zed Books/ CROP Series, chp. 8 pp. 218-247 , United Kingdom._x000D_
3. Kalaycioglu, S. (2008) “Dynamics of Internal Migration in Turkey, its stages of Development and Consequences for Labour” in Target Group Monitoring in European Regions, Empirical Findings and Conceptual Approaches, eds. Larsen, Christa; Mathejczyk, Waldemar ; Kipper, Jenny ; Schmid, Alfons, Rainer Hampp Verlag: Muenchen, pages: 23- 34Germany.4.Düzgün,H.Sebnem;Yücemen,M.S.;Kalaycioglu,H.S.;Çelik,K.;Kemeç,S.;Ertugay,K.; Deniz,A. (2011) “An integrated earthquake vulnerability assessment framework for urban areas” Natural Hazards, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. Volume 59, Number 2, pp. 917-947,_x000D_
DOI 10.1007/s11069-011-9808-6_x000D_
5. Kalaycioglu,Sibel ; Çelik,Kezban (2014) “
Other activities
1. Reporteur of the special committee on income distribution, poverty and social inclusion and produced a background report for 9th Development Plan by State Planning Organization_x000D_
2. Produced the “ Research Design For Impact Assessment of Electricity Distribution Reform: Coordinator of Qualitative Methodology” Report for UNDP on 2012_x000D_
3. Principle Coordinator of Post-2015 –Sustinable Development Agenda: Report for Turkey, funded by UNDP, 2012 October - 2013 May_x000D_
4. Membership of the Administrative Board of Sociological Association of Turkey_x000D_
5. Participated in training seminars of Ministry of Development
1. Mustafa Parlar thesis awards for Fulya Dogruel’s thesis on “ Dynamics of Living Together and Abstaining From Conflict: _x000D_
2. METU performance awards 6 times since 2002
Organisation name
Ankara University
Organisation street address
Universiteler Mah_x000D_
Dumlupinar Blv No.1, 06800
Organisation city
Organisation country