Independent experts nominated by country party

Tajinder Pal Singh

First name
Tajinder Pal
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Information Systems
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Director General
Forests Research and Climate Change
Telephone number
0091 135-2224823
Work experience
1. Heading the Division on forests and climate change in the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, with focus on poverty reduction, livelihoods improvement, sustainable development and enhancing global environmental values of forests. Priority areas include reductions of emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) and clean development mechanism; _x000D_
2. National Project Director for World Bank-GEF funded project on Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management (SLEM) in India. _x000D_
3. National Project Director for India’s national 6th reporting to UNCCD. Developing action plan on monitoring and evaluation and performance indicators for checking land and forest degradation; _x000D_
4. Undertaking capacity building of different stakeholders in climate change, forestry, land and ecosystems management;_x000D_
Past work (1999-2011)_x000D_
- Made an assessment of GHG inventories from forests and soils of India in second national communication (NATCOM) to UNFCCC. _x000D_
- Author on India’s REDD+ Strategy document and conducted REDD+ inception workshops for various stakeholders in India._x000D_
- National Project Director for India’s 5th reporting to UNCCD. Reported all the indicators pertaining to desertification and land degradation on Performance Review and Appraisal System (PRAIS) developed by the United Nations_x000D_
- Successfully implemented two international projects on Natural Resource Management and Poverty alleviation funded by Japan Bank of International Cooperation (JBIC) and the European Union (EU) for rehabilitation of degraded forests with great success in the State of Haryana in India.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.Din Economics of Climate Change,University of Toronto, Canada, 2011_x000D_
MSc in Remote Sensing & GIS, ITC, The Netherlands, 2007_x000D_
Diploma inEnvironment Management and Sustainable Development University of Wales, Bangor, UK ,2004_x000D_
M.Sc in Forestry, IGNFA, Dehradun, India,1999
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Singh, T.P. and Rawat, V.R.S. (2013), Capacity building in climate change for forest stakeholders in India. Indian Forester, Volume 139, No. 11, Page 1034-1039; _x000D_
2. Singh, T.P. (2013), REDD+ as climate mitigation option for India. Current Science, Volume 104, No. 10, Page 1274._x000D_
3. Dasgupta, S., Singh T.P., Narain, P. (2013), Participatory model for water harvesting and development of community pastures in Thar desert. Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, under World Bank-GEF Project on Sustainable Land and Ecosystem Management; _x000D_
4. Singh, T.P. et. al. (2013), Soil organic forest stocks in forests of India. Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun, Book, Page 1-40; _x000D_
5. Singh, T.P. (2012), Economic analyses of world’s carbon markets. University of Toronto, Canada, PhD Thesis, Page 1-205.
Other activities
1. Member of the Indian Forest Service_x000D_
2. Member of the Association of erstwhile British scholars in India_x000D_
3. Member of the Association of erstwhile Dutch students in India_x000D_
4. Guest faculty for teaching Climate Change in the Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Central Academy of State Forest Service and Forest Research Institute, Deemed University, Dehradun
1. At present a member of the Board of Management, Forest Research Institute, Deemed University, Dehradun_x000D_
2. University of Toronto scholarship (complete funding) for PhD level studies (2008-2011)_x000D_
3. JBIC funding for Masters level studies in Remote Sensing and GIS at ITC, The Netherlands (2006-07)
Organisation name
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education,
Organisation street address
PO New Forest, 248006
Organisation city
Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Organisation country