Independent experts nominated by country party

Tuncay Neyisci

Prof. Dr.
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Thematic Areas
Sustainable development
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Prof. Dr.
Centre for ecological Studies, Akdeniz University
Telephone number
90/242 2274670
Work experience
Project partner in Interreg III B Western Mediterranean Measure 4.3 Project MedCypre: Use of cypress in Mediterranean rural economy, environment and landscape protection: natural risks prevention and management, financed by EU._x000D_
Project partner in MED Project Cypfire 2G-MED09-070. one of the lecturers of summerschools organized in Florenz/Italy (23-27 May 2011) and Faro/Portugal (21-25 May 2012)._x000D_
Advisor and trainor of TEMA (The Turkish Foundation for Combatting Soil Erosion, For Reforestation and the protection of Natural Habitats) for about 7 years._x000D_
Thematic areas: Ecosystem services, Landscape ecology, Ecological resistance
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Istanbul University, Faculty of forestry; Istanbul/Turkey; Graduated in 1970, PhD; IU. Faculty of Forestry 1986 (Fire Ecology), Associate professor; 1992, Akdeniz University /Antalya/Turkey, Professor; 1999, Akdeiz University, Antalya/Turkey
Publication titles
- Neyisçi, T., 1992: Biomass Energy Potential of the Mediterranean Bushy Vegetation Cover. First Tatarstan Syposium on Energy, Environment and Economics. Tatarstan/ Russia._x000D_
- Neyisci, T., 1993: Ecological Adaptive Traits of Pinus brutia Ten. To Fires. Int. Symp. on Pinus brutia Ten. Ministry of Forest, Ankara._x000D_
- Neyisci, T., 1999: Understandig Forest Fires for the Management of Mediterranean Type Ecosystems; An Ecological Aproach. Int Scientific Conf. Fires in the Mediterranean Forests: Prevention,- Suppression – Soil Erosion – Reforestation. Athens._x000D_
- Neyisci, T., 2002: The Ecological Role of Fire for the Sound Management of Pinus brutia Ten. Ecosystems. Int Conf. Medpine 2, Chania/Crete, Greece._x000D_
- Neyisçi, T., 2003: Learning Nature Through Its Own Language. Environment 2010; Situation and Perspectives for the Europian Union. Proceedings of the International Symposium, University of Porto
Other activities
1. Advisor and lecturer of TEMA (The Turkish Foundation for Combatting Soil Erosion, For Reforestation and the protection of Natural Habitats) for about 7 years._x000D_
2. Founding Chairb of the Antalya’s fist Environmental Assosiation; Turkish Assosiation of Naturae and natural protection_x000D_
3. member of Mediterranean Network of Universities for Education for Sustainable Development
1.Unesco Semep (Southeastern Mediterraneam Environment Project) Project National Coordinator since 1995_x000D_
2 Award of dedication, TEMA (The Turkish Foundation for Combatting Soil Erosion, For Reforestation and the protection of Natural Habitats)_x000D_
3. Outstanding Service Award, Akdeniz University, Centre for Ecological Centre
Organisation name
Ankara University
Organisation street address
Organisation country