Midterm evaluation of the 2018–2030 Strategic Framework
The midterm evaluation of the 2018-2030 UNCCD Strategic Framework was launched by COP 15, with the aim to prepare a good basis for COP 16 in 2024 to decide on measures to enhance the implementation of the UNCCD by 2030.
The midterm evaluation will assess the progress made in implementing the Strategic Framework and, on that basis, present conclusions and recommendations for the consideration of Parties at COP 16. As per its terms of reference, the midterm evaluation will be based on factual findings considered through a participatory process and eventually submitted to the COP for a decision on the way forward.
The key components of the midterm evaluation are:
- An intergovernmental working group (IWG-MTE) that oversees the evaluation process, consisting of fifteen regionally nominated members and seven observers
- An independent external assessment that will provide evidence-based, factual findings against the evaluation criteria, for further consideration of IWG-MTE. The assessment is prepared by a team of independent evaluation experts and managed by the secretariat,
- A participatory process to provide views on the conclusions and recommendations of the independent assessment,
- A report of the IWG-MTE that will be built on the findings of the independent assessment and present the recommendations of the Group for the effective implementation of the Strategic Framework by 2030. This report, accompanied by a draft decision, will be submitted to COP 16 as an official document.
The evaluation will be built on the standard evaluation criteria of the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development which comprise relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. As this is a midterm evaluation and thus focuses on further improvement to the implementation of the UNCCD 2018–2030 Strategic Framework in the second half of its term, the ‘impact’ criterion will take the form of “progress to impact”.
The modalities, criteria and terms of reference for a midterm evaluation of the UNCCD 2018–2030 Strategic Framework can be found in Annex I of decision 7/COP.15, which covers the following topics:
- Objectives of the midterm evaluation
- Evaluation scope and criteria
- Relevance and coherence
- Effectiveness and progress to impact
- Efficiency
- Sustainability
- Cross-cutting issue: Gender
- Modalities and organization of work
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