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The report is envisioned as a supplement to the guidelines of the NAP process. It offers a step-by-step approach to integrating the principles and objectives of the LDN framework within climate change adaptation planning. It identifies where and how these broad goals intersect, and it reveals how activities, knowledge, training, monitoring and funding sources can be better leveraged when they…

This report presents science-based evidence concerning sustainable land use systems (SLUS) and the potential of the SLUS approach to achieve land degradation neutrality (LDN) targets, reduce inequalities, achieve social justice, improve economic viability and, consequently, help achieve multiple United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) and targets. It aims to guide countries to use…

This publication presents science-based evidence concerning sustainable land use systems (SLUS) and the potential of the SLUS approach to achieve land degradation neutrality (LDN) targets, reduce inequalities, achieve social justice, improve economic viability and, consequently, help achieve multiple United Nations sustainable…

UNCCD Country Parties have established ambitious agendas to combat desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) through various policy frameworks — including Land Degradation Neutrality and the

The guide is meant to support companies in formulating commitments that support sustainable land and water management within their operations and value chains under the environment-sustainability-governance pillar.

The brief provides private sector stakeholders with essential information about theUNCCD’s "Business 4 Land" (B4L) initiative, illustrating how membership can help companies mitigate land-related risks while advancing sustainability goals.

The primer describes the relevant actors, frameworks, and tools that can be used to support Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) initiatives by strengthening urban-rural linkages and making…

This brief, co-authored by GSMA and the UNCCD Global Mechanism, examines how digital technology can unlock climate finance for land…

This publication highlights experiences from 30 countries in the 2022 reporting on land degradation and drought, showcasing diverse approaches to addressing challenges in data management, digital literacy, and securing financial resources.

The Changwon Initiative has been an important success factor for some of the most significant results achieved by UNCCD over the past decade. Its collaborative and evidence-based approach empowers countries to safeguard the soil our lives depend on. The financial stability and strengthened political backing provided by the initiative – …