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The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the linkages between land, peace and security in the context of the UNCCD Peace Forest Initiative, drawing insights from global research, case studies, and expert…
The PFI operational guidelines provide a structured yet flexible framework for the implementation of the Peace Forest Initiative (PFI) in different contexts. The guidelines reflect the comprehensive approach of the PFI by integrating land and environmental restoration, conflict-sensitive strategies, governance aspects and peace-building efforts. They compile principles, operational processes,…
The Peace Forest Initiative (PFI) represents a beacon of hope in these unprecedented times of growing instability. By merging ecological restoration, education and dialogue with peacebuilding and conflict-sensitive approaches, the PFI seeks to create sustainable communities and foster cooperative coexistence. In bringing together diverse stakeholders, including governments, international…
Located in the arid and semi-arid areas of West Africa, the Sahel has undergone profound changes over the past 50 years. Known for the prevalence of land degradation processes, the Sahel is suffering from the combined negative effects of population growth, human activities and climate variability, resulting in recurrent droughts and the continued decline of natural resources and land…
The 3S Initiative – for Sustainability, Stability and Security in Africa – is an inter-governmental initiative helping to transform the narrative and unlock Africa’s potential. Countries participating in the 3S Initiative believe that social inclusion can be achieved hand-in-hand with environmental stewardship. If we harness Africa’s great strengths – its land, its…
The evidence presented in this first edition of the Global Land Outlook demonstrates that informed and responsible decision-making, along with simple changes in our everyday lives, can if widely adopted help to reverse the current worrying trends in the state of our land resources.
Land for Life Award recognizes the excellence and innovation of individuals, groups, institutions and businesses whose work and initiatives have made a significant contribution in achieving Land Degradation Neutrality. With the theme “Land and Human Security”, the 2017 Land for Life Award has been awarded to nominees whose work has demonstrated tangible evidence of transforming the lives of…
Achieving LDN requires a paradigm shift in land stewardship: from ‘degrade-abandon-migrate’ to ‘protect-sustain-restore’. This is the rationale that underpins the LDN Target Setting Programme that became operational in spring 2016. Through this programme, the UNCCD’s operational arm — the Global Mechanism — is supporting a rapidly growing number of countries that have committed to setting…
Desertification is a silent, invisible crisis that is destabilizing communities on a global scale. As the effects of climate change undermine livelihoods, inter-ethnic clashes are breaking out within and across states and fragile states are turning to militarization to control the situation. The effects of desertification are increasingly felt globally as victims turn into refugees, internally…