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UNCCD Procurement

Natural Resources Specialist/Soil Conservationist

UNCCD works to support the efficient delivery of the UNCCD mandate through a competitive selection of vendors to:

  • Deliver best value for money
  • Ensure fairness, integrity and transparency
  • Support the effective international competition
  • Serve in the best interest of the UN
  • Provide an outstanding client service

The UNCCD procurement team also works to standardize Framework Agreements and Long-Term Agreements (LTA) while ensuring the efficient use of resources. One of the team's priorities is to ensure an equitable international distribution of procurement sources that encourages developing and emerging economies and supports capacity building in beneficiary countries. The procurement team also works to strengthen cooperation with other UN entities and the private sector.

The procurement functions of the UN  are governed by the Secretary-General's bulletins on Financial Regulations and Rules ST/SGB/2013/4 and on Delegation of authority in the administration of the Staff Regulations and Rules and the Financial Regulations and Rules ST/SGB/2019/2.

The Procurement Manual provides operational guidance on procurement policies and procedures. The UN reserves the right to make exceptions to the provisions outlined in the Procurement Manual when necessary and in the best interests of the Organization. 

Potential vendors are invited to review the following regulations that underpin the UNCCD contracts:

All interested vendors also need to register at the United Nations Global Marketplace.
