Intergovernmental Working Group on Drought 6th meeting
Riyadh, Саудовская Аравия
03 - 06 июня 2024

The Conference of Parties at its fifteenth session (UNCCD COP 15) established an Intergovernmental Working Group on Drought during the triennium 2022 - 2024, tasked with identifying and evaluating global policy instruments and regional policy frameworks in the context of the national plans to effectively manage drought under the Convention, including supporting a shift from reactive to proactive drought management.
Leading up to UNCCD COP16, the group will hold its sixth and final meeting in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 3-6 June 2024 to address the following topics:
- Financing mechanisms for drought resilience;
- Setting of global target and global work programme for drought resilience
- Legally binding protocol or Amendment to the Convention
- Non-legally binding decisions, political declaration, or other kind of non-legally binding instruments outside the Convention