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Global sand and dust storm source base map

The technical brief describes the method by which maps were created to identify potential sources of sand and dust storms.

Promoting synergies between Land Degradation Neutrality and climate change adaptation

The report is envisioned as a supplement to the guidelines of the NAP process. It offers a step-by-step approach to integrating the principles and objectives of the LDN…

Harmony in action for land restoration: Linking social protection, financial inclusion and disaster risk finance

This report serves as a roadmap for policymakers, drawing 2pathways to where the objectives of land restoration, social protection, financial inclusion and disaster risk…

Tenure business case and checklist


Investing in land’s future: Financial needs assessment for UNCCD

UNCCD Country Parties have established ambitious agendas to combat desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) through various policy frameworks — including

Ground for peace: Land restoration for international peace and security

The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the linkages between land, peace and security in the context of the

GLO2 cover


Global Land Outlook 2nd edition

The second edition of the Global Land Outlook (GLO2), Land Restoration for Recovery and Resilience, sets out the rationale, enabling factors, and diverse pathways by which countries and communities can reduce and reverse land degradation.

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