Hamid Čustović
CST vice-chair

Hamid Čustović is professor at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo where he has been since 1996. He is a professor of Soil Sciences (physics, chemistry and soil classification), Pedology, Eco pedology and Rural Ecology, and Head of the Postgraduate study "Sustainable Land Management and Rural Planning".

Prof. Custovic is a President of the Soil Science Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is also a member of several international associations and committees, including in the European Soil Partnership, FAO Global Soil Partnership and the Committee of Science and Technology (CST Bureau of UNCCD) for South and Eastern Europe. Prof. Custovic has extensive experience working as a project manager/team leader, consultant/expert for soil, agriculture and environmental in several international research projects. He is author and coauthor of several books and number of research papers. He has presented numerous keynote seminars.

Key qualifications are: University Professor, Expert for soil, soil cartography, land consolidation, bonity and spatial planning (agroecological and other use of land), Agro-ecological and agro-hydrological research, Responsible for field and laboratory experimental works within area of soil research at the Soil Science Institute, Team leader of numbers of scientific-research projects.

Prof. Čustović gained experience working as a project manager/team leader, consultant–soil, agriculture and environmental expert in numbers of international and local projects. He worked for EU, EEA, WORLD BANK, FAO, UNDP, UNEP, USAID, JICA, SEENET, MPDL. Further he has participated in several international research project over the past five years such as: ERASMUS, EU FP6 - RECOAL, INCO-WBC-1-5091730 2008, EU FP6 RURAL VITALITY OF B&H - CEEC Agri Policy, Project no 513705 (2007), EU FP7 - CEUBIOM, EU FP7 BalkanGeoNet (B.GN) (2012). He was Team leader of the CLC2006, CLC2012 and CLC2018 projects for Bosnia and Herzegovina, financed by the EU (EEA).

Hamid Čustović
Hamid Čustović
CST vice-chair