Source control and management

Source control and management
The Source Management and Control Module provides over 60 options to manage or control sand and dust storms together with over 75 sustainable land management technologies which can be employed to implement the source management and control options.
There are several ways to find SDS source management options:
- Use the Keyword box below to search for key words describing an option.
- Use the Filter box below to select an option by
- The Function of an option or
- One or more of three attributes: Nature-based, Reduces wind speed or Protects soil from the wind.
Information on each option includes:
- How the option works, in reducing wind speed or protecting the soil from the wind,
- The efficiency, cost, maintenance requirements, the length of time an option will function, co-benefits, the ease of establishing an option and the degree to which the option can be combined with other options, and,
- Additional information useful in using option, where available
To share best practice options, tools, technologies, methods and experience in SDS source control and management please see the Get Involved page in our Land management & restoration section.
Knowledge for SDS Source Management
SDS Preparedness and Response Plans
Information SDS preparedness and response plans can be found in SDS Compendium (chapters 3, 4, 10 and 13)
Knowledge for SDS Source Management
SDS Early Warning Systems
Details on SDS early warning can be found in the SDS Compendium (chapter 10).
Knowledge for SDS Source Management
Education on SDS source management
Education about SDS is part of a broader awareness raising process to improve individual management of the risks associated with this hazard.
Knowledge for SDS Source Management
SDS awareness raising
Education about SDS is part of a broader awareness raising process to improve individual management of the risks associated with this hazard.
Environmental restoration
Check dam/Zuni Pit (protects soil)
Check dams/Zuni pits can be used to trap sand and silt moving through water erosion channels.
Protects soil
Environmental restoration
Soil ripping and ditching (protects soil)
Soil ripping and ditching is a variation of the Ripping the soil option which also creates depressions where water and vegetative matter can accumulate.
Protects soil
Environmental restoration
Imprinting (protects soil)
Imprinting creates small depressions on the soil which can trap seeds and water.
Protects soil
Environmental restoration
Keylining (protects soil)
Keylining is a process of ripping the soil along contours to depth to allow water penetration and to capture seeds and increasing surface roughness.
Protects soil
Environmental restoration
Reforestation and Afforestation (protects soil)
Reforestation may produce changes to the environment which make SDS events less likely. These include slowing wind, increasing soil-level organic matter and tree litter increasing surface roughness.
Protects soil
Improving soil conditions to reduce likelihood of lifting by wind
Application of chemical fertilizer (protects soil)
Chemical (inorganic) fertilizer can be used to improve soil nutritive quality and promote vegetation growth (e.g., when applied as part of Conservation tillage).
Protects soil