COP16 podcast: On the Road to Riyadh
21 November 2024
Sustainable Development Goals
Land Degradation Neutrality

In the lead-up to UNCCD COP16, our new podcast series On the road to Riyadh: Conversation on land, people and the planet spotlights critical conversations on land health, climate resilience and sustainable solutions. Each episode will focus on the Action Agenda of the , bringing expert insights, compelling stories and actionable solutions to global audiences.The series will emphasize how healthy land is central to the well-being of the planet’s ecosystems, biodiversity and global economy.
Episode 1: Land Day - The future of land conservation: Driving change through innovation
Join us for an insightful discussion on the importance of land restoration and the power of youth-led environmental initiatives.
Episode 2: Governance Day - Understanding land governace and why it matters
Join UNCCD Deputy Executive Secretary as she explores the role of governance in sustainable land management. From the empowerment of women and Indigenous Peoples to the role of sub-national governments, she highlights the key strategies and actions needed to reach the Land Degradation Neutrality goals.
Episode 3: Science Day - Accelerating science and technology solutions for land resilience
Join Barron Joseph Orr, UNCCD Chief Scientist as he explores the critical role of science in building land resilience through land restoration. Bridging the gap between science and policy is key to addressing land degradation and restoring land productivity. Main challenges include translating restoration ambitions into action, securing funding, using high-resolution data and building resilience to crises.
Episode 4: Finance Day - Financing land restoration and drought resilience
Join the insightful conversation between the CEO and Chair of the GEF, and theManaging Director of the UNCCD Global Mechanism Louise Baker, as they discuss the important role of finance in achieving land restoration and drought resilience goals and the paradigm shifts needed to address funding and action gaps in the Rio Conventions. Challenges in scaling up conservation efforts and the need for economic and institutional reforms require broader stakeholder engagement beyond environment ministries, increasing the role of local government involvement and financial support for the success of sustainable initiatives.