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This Annex applies to Africa, in relation to each Party and in conformity with the Convention, in particular its article 7, for the purpose of combating desertification and/or mitigating the effects of drought in its arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas.
Article 2 Purpose
The purpose of this Annex, at the national, subregional and regional levels in Africa and in the light of its particular conditions, is to:
(a) identify measures and arrangements, including the nature and processes of assistance provided by developed country Parties, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention;
(b) provide for the efficient and practical implementation of the Convention to address conditions specific to Africa; and 29
(c) promote processes and activities relating to combating desertification and/or mitigating the effects of drought within the arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas of Africa.
Article 3 Particular conditions of the African region
In carrying out their obligations under the Convention, the Parties shall, in the implementation of this Annex, adopt a basic approach that takes into consideration the following particular conditions of Africa:
(a) the high proportion of arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas;
(b) the substantial number of countries and populations adversely affected by desertification and by the frequent recurrence of severe drought;
(c) the large number of affected countries that are landlocked;
(d) the widespread poverty prevalent in most affected countries, the large number of least developed countries among them, and their need for significant amounts of external assistance, in the form of grants and loans on concessional terms, to pursue their development objectives;
(e) the difficult socio-economic conditions, exacerbated by deteriorating and fluctuating terms of trade, external indebtedness and political instability, which induce internal, regional and international migrations;
(f) the heavy reliance of populations on natural resources for subsistence which, compounded by the effects of demographic trends and factors, a  weak technological base and unsustainable production practices, contributes to serious resource degradation;
(g) the insufficient institutional and legal frameworks, the weak infrastructural base and the insufficient scientific, technical and educational capacity, leading to substantial capacity building requirements; and
(h) the central role of actions to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought in the national development priorities of affected African countries.
Article 4 Commitments and obligations of African country Parties
1. In accordance with their respective capabilities, African country Parties undertake to:
(a) adopt the combating of desertification and/or the mitigation of the effects of drought as a central strategy in their efforts to eradicate poverty;
(b) promote regional cooperation and integration, in a  spirit of solidarity and partnership based on mutual interest, in programmes and activities to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought;
(c) rationalize and strengthen existing institutions concerned with desertification and drought and involve other existing institutions, as appropriate, in order to make them more effective and to ensure more efficient use of resources;
(d) promote the exchange of information on appropriate technology, knowledge, know-how and practices between and among them; and
(e) develop contingency plans for mitigating the effects of drought in areas degraded by desertification and/or drought.
2. Pursuant to the general and specific obligations set out in articles 4 and 5 of the Convention, affected African country Parties shall aim to:
(a) make appropriate financial allocations from their national budgets consistent with national conditions and capabilities and reflecting the new priority Africa has accorded to the phenomenon of desertification and/or drought;
(c) identify and mobilize new and additional national financial resources, and expand, as a matter of priority, existing national capabilities and facilities to mobilize domestic financial resources.
Article 5 Commitments and obligations of developed country Parties
1. In fulfilling their obligations pursuant to articles 4, 6 and 7 of the Convention, developed country Parties shall give priority to affected African country Parties and, in this context, shall:
(a) assist them to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought by, inter alia, providing and/or facilitating access to financial and/or other resources, and promoting, financing and/or facilitating the financing of the transfer, adaptation and access to appropriate environmental technologies and know-how, as mutually agreed and in accordance with national policies, taking into account their adoption of poverty eradication as a central strategy;
(b) continue to allocate significant resources and/or increase resources to combat desertification and/or mitigate the effects of drought; and
(c) assist them in strengthening capacities to enable them to improve their institutional frameworks, as well as their scientific and technical capabilities, information collection and analysis, and research and development for the purpose of combating desertification and/or mitigating the effects of drought.
2. Other country Parties may provide, on a voluntary basis, technology, knowledge and know-how relating to desertification and/or financial resources, to affected African country Parties. The transfer of such knowledge, know-how and techniques is facilitated by international cooperation.
Article 6 Strategic planning framework for sustainable development
1. National action programmes shall be a central and integral part of a broader process of formulating national policies for the sustainable development of affected African country Parties.
2. A  consultative and participatory process involving appropriate levels of government, local populations, communities and non-governmental organizations shall be undertaken to provide guidance on a strategy with flexible planning to allow maximum participation from local populations and communities. As appropriate, bilateral and multilateral assistance agencies may be involved in this process at the request of an affected African country Party
Article 7 Timetable for preparation of action programmes
Pending entry into force of this Convention, the African country Parties, in cooperation with other members of the international community, as appropriate, shall, to the extent possible, provisionally apply those provisions of the Convention relating to the preparation of national, subregional and regional action programmes.
Article 8 Content of national action programmes
1. Consistent with article 10 of the Convention, the overall strategy of national action programmes shall emphasize integrated local development programmes for affected areas, based on participatory mechanisms and on integration of strategies for poverty eradication into efforts to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought. The programmes shall aim at strengthening the capacity of local authorities and ensuring the active involvement of local populations, communities and groups, with emphasis on education and training, mobilization of non-governmental organizations with proven expertise and strengthening of decentralized governmental structures
2. National action programmes shall, as appropriate, include the following general features:
(a) the use, in developing and implementing national action programmes, of past experiences in combating desertification and/or mitigating the effects of drought, taking into account social, economic and ecological conditions;
(b) the identification of factors contributing to desertification and/or drought and the resources and capacities available and required, and the setting up of appropriate policies and institutional and other response and measures necessary to combat those phenomena and/or mitigate their effects; and
(c) the increase in participation of local populations and communities, including women, farmers and pastoralists, and delegation to them of more responsibility for management.
3. National action programmes shall also, as appropriate, include the following:
(a) measures to improve the economic environment with a view to eradicating poverty:
• increasing incomes and employment opportunities, especially for the poorest members of the community, by:
developing markets for farm and livestock products;
- creating financial instruments suited to local needs;
- encouraging diversification in agriculture and the setting-up of agricultural enter prises;
and - developing economic activities of a paraagricultural or non-agricultural type;
• improving the long-term prospects of rural economies by the creation of:
- incentives for productive investment and access to the means of production; and - price and tax policies and commercial practices that promote growth;
• defining and applying population and migration policies to reduce population pressure on land; and
• promoting the use of drought resistant crops and the application of integrated dry-land farming systems for food security purposes;
(b) measures to conserve natural resources:
• ensuring integrated and sustainable management of natural resources, including:
- agricultural land and pastoral land; - vegetation cover and wildlife; - forests; - water resources; and - biological diversity;
• training with regard to, and strengthening, public awareness and environmental education campaigns and disseminating knowledge of techniques relating to the sustainable management of natural resources; and
• ensuring the development and efficient use of diverse energy sources, the promotion of alternative sources of energy, particularly solar energy, wind energy and biogas, and specific arrangements for the transfer, acquisition and adaptation of relevant technology to alleviate the pressure on fragile natural resources;
(c) measures to improve institutional organization:
defining the roles and responsibilities of central government and local authorities within the framework of a land use planning policy;
• encouraging a policy of active decentralization, devolving responsibility for management and decision-making to local authorities, and encouraging initiatives and the assumption of responsibility by local communities and the establishment of local structures; and
• adjusting, as appropriate, the institutional and regulatory framework of natural resource management to provide security of land tenure for local populations;
(d) measures to improve knowledge of desertification:
• promoting research and the collection, processing and exchange of information on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of desertification;
• improving national capabilities in research and in the collection, processing, exchange and analysis of information so as to increase understanding and to translate the results of the analysis into operational terms; and
• encouraging the medium and long term study of:
- socio-economic and cultural trends in affected areas; - qualitative and quantitative trends in natural resources; and - the interaction between climate and desertification; and
(e) measures to monitor and assess the effects of drought:
• developing strategies to evaluate the impacts of natural climate variability on regional drought and desertification and/or to utilize predictions of climate variability on seasonal to interannual time scales in efforts to mitigate the effects of drought;
• improving early warning and response capacity, efficiently managing emergency relief and food aid, and improving food stocking and distribution systems, cattle protection schemes and public works and alternative livelihoods for drought prone areas; and
• monitoring and assessing ecological degradation to provide reliable and timely information on the process and dynamics of resource degradation in order to facilitate better policy formulations and responses.
Article 9 Preparation of national action programmes and implementation and evaluation indicators
Each affected African country Party shall designate an appropriate national coordinating body to function as a catalyst in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of its national action programme. This coordinating body shall, in the light of article 3 and as appropriate:
(a) undertake an identification and review of actions, beginning with a locally driven consultation process, involving local populations and communities and with the cooperation of local admi- 34 nistrative authorities, developed country Parties and intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations, on the basis of initial consultations of those concerned at the national level;
(b) identify and analyze the constraints, needs and gaps affecting development and sustainable land use and recommend practical measures to avoid duplication by making full use of relevant ongoing efforts and promote implementation of results;
(c) facilitate, design and formulate project activities based on interactive, flexible approaches in order to ensure active participation of the population in affected areas, to minimize the negative impact of such activities, and to identify and prioritize requirements for financial assistance and technical cooperation;
(d) establish pertinent, quantifiable and readily verifiable indicators to ensure the assessment and evaluation of national action programmes, which encompass actions in the short, medium and long terms, and of the implementation of such programmes; and
(e) prepare progress reports on the implementation of the national action programmes.
Article 10 Organizational framework of subregional action programmes
1. Pursuant to article 4 of the Convention, African country Parties shall cooperate in the preparation and implementation of subregional action programmes for central, eastern, northern, southern and western Africa and, in that regard, may delegate the following responsibilities to relevant subregional intergovernmental organizations:
(a) acting as focal points for preparatory activities and coordinating the implementation of the subregional action programmes;
(b) assisting in the preparation and implementation of national action programmes;
(c) facilitating the exchange of information, experience and know-how as well as providing advice on the review of national legislation; and
(d) any other responsibilities relating to the implementation of subregional action programmes.
2. Specialized subregional institutions may provide support, upon request, and/or be entrusted with the responsibility to coordinate activities in their respective fields of competence.
Article 11 Content and preparation of subregional action programmes
Subregional action programmes shall focus on issues that are better addressed at the subregional level. They shall establish, where necessary, mechanisms for the management of shared natural resources. Such mechanisms shall effectively handle transboundary problems associated with desertification and/or drought and shall provide support for the harmonious implementation of national action programmes. Priority areas for subregional action programmes shall, as appropriate, focus on:
(a) joint programmes for the sustainable management of transboundary natural resources through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms, as appropriate;
(b) coordination of programmes to develop alternative energy sources;
(c) cooperation in the management and control of pests as well as of plant and animal diseases;
(d) capacity building, education and public awareness activities that are better carried out or supported at the subregional level;
(e) scientific and technical cooperation, particularly in the climatological, meteorological and hydrological fields, including networking for data collection and assessment, information sharing and project monitoring, and coordination and prioritization of research and development activities;
(f) early warning systems and joint planning for mitigating the effects of drought, including measures to address the problems resulting from environmentally induced migrations;
(g) exploration of ways of sharing experiences, particularly regarding participation of local populations and communities, and creation of an enabling environment for improved land use management and for use of appropriate technologies;
(h) strengthening of the capacity of subregional organizations to coordinate and provide technical services, as well as establishment, reorientation and strengthening of subregional centres and institutions; and
Article 12 Organizational framework of the regional action programme
1. Pursuant to article 11 of the Convention, African country Parties shall jointly determine the procedures for preparing and implementing the regional action programme.
2. The Parties may provide appropriate support to relevant African regional institutions and organizations to enable them to assist African country Parties to fulfil their responsibilities under the Convention.
Article 13 Content of the regional action programme
The regional action programme includes measures relating to combating desertification and/or mitigating the effects of drought in the following priority areas, as appropriate:
(a) development of regional cooperation and coordination of sub-regional action programmes for building regional consensus on key policy areas, including through regular consultations of sub-regional organizations;
(b) promotion of capacity building in activities which are better implemented at the regional level;
(c) the seeking of solutions with the international community to global economic and social issues that have an impact on affected areas taking into account article 4, paragraph 2 (b) of the Convention;
(d) promotion among the affected country Parties of Africa and its subregions, as well as with other affected regions, of exchange of information and appropriate techniques, technical know-how and relevant experience; promotion of scientific and technological cooperation particularly in the fields of climatology, meteorology, hydrology, water resource development and alternative energy sources; coordination of sub-regional and regional research activities; and identification of regional priorities for research and development;
(e) coordination of networks for systematic observation and assessment and information exchange, as well as their integration into world wide networks; and
(f) coordination of and reinforcement of sub-regional and regional early warning systems and drought contingency plans.
Article 14 Financial resources
1. Pursuant to article 20 of the Convention and article 4, paragraph 2, affected African country Parties shall endeavour to provide a macroeconomic framework conducive to the mobilization of financial resources and shall develop policies and establish procedures to channel resources more effectively to local development programmes, including through non-governmental organizations, as appropriate.
2. Pursuant to article 21, paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Convention, the Parties agree to establish an inventory of sources of funding at the national, subregional, regional and international levels to ensure the rational use of existing resources and to identify gaps in resource allocation, to facilitate implementation of the action programmes. The inventory shall be regularly reviewed and updated.
3. Consistent with article 7 of the Convention, the developed country Parties shall continue to allocate significant resources and/or increased resources as well as other forms of assistance to affected African country Parties on the basis of partnership agreements and arrangements referred to in article 18, giving, inter alia, due attention to matters related to debt, international trade and marketing arrangements in accordance with article 4, paragraph 2 (b) of the Convention.
Article 15 Financial Mechanisms
1. Consistent with article 7 of the Convention underscoring the priority to affected African country Parties and considering the particular situation prevailing in this region, the Parties shall pay special attention to the implementation in Africa of the provisions of article 21, paragraph 1 (d) and (e) of the Convention, notably by:
(a) facilitating the establishment of mechanisms, such as national desertification funds, to channel financial resources to the local level; and
(b) strengthening existing funds and financial mechanisms at the subregional and regional levels.
2. Consistent with articles 20 and 21 of the Convention, the Parties which are also members of the governing bodies of relevant regional and subregional financial institutions, including the African Development Bank and the African Development Fund, shall promote efforts to give due priority and attention to the activities of those institutions that advance the implementation of this Annex.
3. The Parties shall streamline, to the extent possible, procedures for channelling funds to affected African country Parties
Article 16 Technical assistance and cooperation
The Parties undertake, in accordance with their respective capabilities, to rationalize technical assistance to, and cooperation with, African country Parties with a view to increasing project and programme effectiveness by, inter alia:
(a) limiting the costs of support measures and backstopping, especially overhead costs; in any case, such costs shall only represent an appropriately low percentage of the total cost of the project so as to maximize project efficiency;
(b) giving preference to the utilization of competent national experts or, where necessary, competent experts from within the subregion and/or region, in project design, preparation and implementation, and to the building of local expertise where it does not exist; and
(c) effectively managing and coordinating, as well as efficiently utilizing, technical assistance to be provided.
Article 17 Transfer, acquisition, adaptation and access to environmentally sound technology
In implementing article 18 of the Convention relating to transfer, acquisition, adaptation and development of technology, the Parties undertake to give priority to African country Parties and, as necessary, to develop with them new models of partnership and cooperation with a view to strengthening capacity building in the fields of scientific research and development and information collection and dissemination to enable them to implement their strategies to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought.
Article 18 Coordination and partnership agreements
1. African country Parties shall coordinate the preparation, negotiation and implementation of national, subregional and regional action programmes. They may involve, as appropriate, other Parties and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in this process.
2. The objectives of such coordination shall be to ensure that financial and technical cooperation is consistent with the Convention and to provide the necessary continuity in the use and administration of resources.
3. African country Parties shall organize consultative processes at the national, subregional and regional levels. These consultative processes may:
(a) serve as a  forum to negotiate and conclude partnership agreements based on national, subregional and regional action programmes; and
(b) specify the contribution of African country Parties and other members of the consultative groups to the programmes and identify priorities and agreements on implementation and evaluation indicators, as well as funding arrangements for implementation.
4. The Permanent Secretariat may, at the request of African country Parties, pursuant to article 23 of the Convention, facilitate the convocation of such consultative processes by:
(a) providing advice on the organization of effective consultative arrangements, drawing on experiences from other such arrangements;
(b) providing information to relevant bilateral and multilateral agencies concerning consultative meetings or processes, and encouraging their active involvement; and
(c) providing other information that may be relevant in establishing or improving consultative arrangements.
5. The subregional and regional coordinating bodies shall, inter alia:
(a) recommend appropriate adjustments to partnership agreements;
(b) monitor, assess and report on the implementation of the agreed subregional and regional programmes; and
(c) aim to ensure efficient communication and cooperation among African country Parties
6. Participation in the consultative groups shall, as appropriate, be open to Governments, interested groups and donors, relevant organs, funds and programmes of the United Nations system, relevant subregional and regional organizations, and representatives of relevant nongovernmental organizations. Participants of each consultative group shall determine the modalities of its management and operation.
7. Pursuant to article 14 of the Convention, developed country Parties are encouraged to develop, on their own initiative, an informal process of consultation and coordination among themselves, at the national, subregional and regional levels, and, at the request of an affected African country Party or of an appropriate subregional or regional organization, to participate in a national, subregional or regional consultative process that would evaluate and respond to assistance needs in order to facilitate implementation.
Article 19 Follow-up arrangements
Follow-up of this Annex shall be carried out by African country Parties in accordance with the Convention as follows:
(a) at the national level, by a mechanism the composition of which should be determined by each affected African country Party and which shall include representatives of local communities and shall function under the supervision of the national coordinating body referred to in article 9;
(b) at the subregional level, by a multidisciplinary scientific and technical consultative committee, the composition and modalities of operation of which shall be determined by the African country Parties of the subregion concerned; and
(c) at the regional level, by mechanisms defined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Treaty establishing the African Economic Community, and by an African Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee.