Article 1 Purpose
The purpose of this Annex is to provide guidelines and arrangements necessary for the effective implementation of the Convention in affected country Parties of the northern Mediterranean region in the light of its particular conditions.
Article 2 Particular conditions of the northern Mediterranean region
The particular conditions of the northern Mediterranean region referred to in article 1 include:
(b) poor and highly erodible soils, prone to develop surface crusts;
(c) uneven relief with steep slopes and very diversified landscapes;
(d) extensive forest coverage losses due to frequent wildfires;
(e) crisis conditions in traditional agriculture with associated land abandonment and deterioration of soil and water conservation structures;
(f) unsustainable exploitation of water resources leading to serious environmental damage, including chemical pollution, salinization and exhaustion of aquifers; and
(g) concentration of economic activity in coastal areas as a result of urban growth, industrial activities, tourism and irrigated agriculture.
Article 3 Strategic planning framework for sustainable development
1. National action programmes shall be a central and integral part of the strategic planning framework for sustainable development of the affected country Parties of the northern Mediterranean.
Article 4 Obligation to prepare national action programmes and timetable
Affected country Parties of the northern Mediterranean region shall prepare national action programmes and, as appropriate, subregional, regional or joint action programmes. The preparation of such programmes shall be finalized as soon as practicable.
Article 5 Preparation and implementation of national action programmes
In preparing and implementing national action programmes pursuant to articles 9 and 10 of the Convention, each affected country Party of the region shall, as appropriate:
(a) designate appropriate bodies responsible for the preparation, coordination and implementation of its programme;
(b) involve affected populations, including local communities, in the elaboration, coordination and implementation of the programme through a locally driven consultative proce
(c) survey the state of the environment in affected areas to assess the causes and consequences of desertification and to determine priority areas for action;
(d) evaluate, with the participation of affected populations, past and current programmes in order to design a strategy and elaborate activities in the action programme;
(e) prepare technical and financial programmes based on the information gained through the activities in subparagraphs (a) to (d); and
(f) develop and utilize procedures and benchmarks for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the programme.
Article 6 Content of national action programmes
Affected country Parties of the region may include, in their national action programmes, measures relating to:
(a) legislative, institutional and administrative areas;
(b) land use patterns, management of water resources, soil conservation, forestry, agricultural activities and pasture and range management;
(c) management and conservation of wildlife and other forms of biological diversity;
(d) protection against forest fires;
(e) promotion of alternative livelihoods; and
(f) research, training and public awareness.
Article 7 Subregional, regional and joint action programmes
1. Affected country Parties of the region may, in accordance with article 11 of the Convention, prepare and implement subregional and/or regional action programmes in order to complement and increase the efficiency of national action programmes. Two or more affected country Parties of the region, may similarly agree to prepare a joint action programme between or among them.
2. The provisions of articles 5 and 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the preparation and implementation of subregional, regional and joint action programmes. In addition, such programmes may include the conduct of research and development activities concerning selected ecosystems in affected areas.
3. In preparing and implementing subregional, regional or joint action programmes, affected country Parties of the region shall, as appropriate:
(a) identify, in cooperation with national institutions, national objectives relating to desertification which can better be met by such programmes and relevant activities which could be effectively carried out through them;
(b) evaluate the operational capacities and activities of relevant regional, subregional and national institutions; and
(c) assess existing programmes relating to desertification among Parties of the region and their relationship with national action programmes.
Article 8 Coordination of subregional, regional and joint action programmes
Affected country Parties preparing a subregional, regional or joint action programme may establish a coordination committee composed of representatives of each affected country Party concerned to review progress in combating desertification, harmonize national action programmes, make recommendations at the various stages of preparation and implementation of the subregional, regional or joint action programme, and act as a focal point for the promotion and coordination of technical cooperation pursuant to articles 16 to 19 of the Convention.
Article 9 Non-eligibility for financial assistance
In implementing national, subregional, regional and joint action programmes, affected developed country Parties of the region are not eligible to receive financial assistance under this Convention.
Article 10 Coordination with other subregions and regions
Subregional, regional and joint action programmes in the northern Mediterranean region may be prepared and implemented in collaboration with those of other subregions or regions, particularly with those of the subregion of northern Africa.