Article 13. Support for the Elaboration and Implementation of Action Programmes

SDG goals
15, 17, 9, 10 15.a, 17.16, 9.a, 10.b
1. Measures to support action programmes pursuant to article 9 include,inter alia:
(a) financial cooperation to provide predictability for action programmes, allowing for necessary long-term planning;
(b) elaboration and use of cooperation mechanisms which better enable support at the local level, including action through non-governmental organizations, in order to promote the replicability of successful pilot programme activities where relevant;
(c) increased flexibility in project design, funding and implementation in keeping with the experimental, iterative approach indicated for participatory action at the local community level; and
(d) as appropriate, administrative and budgetary procedures that increase the efficiency of cooperation and of support programmes.
2. In providing such support to affected developing country Parties, priority shall be given to African country Parties and to least developed country Parties.