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Landslide prevention using drainage trenches lined with fast-growing trees

The technology comprises the construction of linear gravel bed ditches lined with local tree species, at angles across a hill slope to channel the surface water. The ditches prevent waterlogging that previously led to landslides, and enable cultivation on land that was previously unusable.

A series of ditches are constructed at angles across a hill slope at the base of the watershed and a gravel bed is created to prevent erosion and drain the excess surface water to the main tributary of the watershed. The edges of the ditches are lined with fast-growing tree species for stabilisation and afforestation purposes.

Note: For this SLM technology case, the SPI report on Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change refers to: Root, A.W. (1958). Prevention of landslides. Landslides and engineering practice./Ed. EB Eckel, 113-149.

Land use type
Technology group
Soil erosion control
Type of land degradation addressed
Soil erosion by water
Landslide prevention using drainage trenches lined with fast-growing trees