Ana Di Pangracio is a lawyer (University of Buenos Aires 2005), specialized in Environmental Law (Argentine Catholic University 2010). She has a postgraduate course in Gender and Law (University of Buenos Aires´s Law School 2020). She was granted a semester exchange scholarship by the Linnaeus-Palme Program (MSc. Environmental Management and Policy at IIIEE-Lund University 2010) and she is alumni of the International Visitor Leadership Program of the US State Department (2016). She has fifteen years´ experience working on socioenvironmental matters. Since 2010 she is Biodiversity Coordinator at Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN), based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 2013 she is also its Deputy Director. Founded in 1985, FARN is a not-forprofit, non-partisan civil society organization which mission is to promote sustainable development through policy, law, and the institutional organization of society. Ana manages projects on: land and sea biodiversity conservation and sustainable use; wetlands restoration; promotion of new and effective implementation of existent legislation and policies on biodiversity, natural protected areas and indigenous and community conserved areas; development and recognition of biocultural protocols and corridors; women, nature and access rights; transformative environmental education; and environmental territorial planning. It does so, advocating for open, transparent and participative processes, with an ecosystem and human rights-based approach. Since 2010 she follows CBD and Ramsar negotiations, and since 2017 UNCCD´s. She is a member of the CBD Women's Caucus and takes part in the CBD Alliance (an NGO participation mechanism and network within the CBD process). She also follows regional processes such as the Escazú Agreement on access to information, public participation and justice in environmental matters in Latin America and the Caribbean. She is currently an elected IUCN Councillor for South America and Mesoamerica 2021-2025. She is a member of IUCN´s WCEL, CEESP and WCPA. She was President of the IUCN South American Committee 2017-2019 and Coordinator of the Argentine IUCN Committee 2015-2021. She was Vice-President of the Forum for the Conservation of the Patagonian Sea 2016-2019. She has been a permanent and invited lecturer at the Law School and Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, University of Palermo (Argentina), University of Salvador, the Argentine Catholic University and the Buenos Aires Technological Institute. Previously, Ana has worked for other NGOs and as an environmental consultant. She is an avid birdwatcher and naturalist.