Nana Bolashvili graduated from the Faculty of Geography-Geology of Tbilisi State University, majoring in hydrology. She defended her doctorate degree thesis on the topic: "Flood forecasting based on the Theory of Pattern Recognition". She holds the position of director of the Institute of Geography at Tbilisi State University. From 2008-2016, she was the Vice President of the Geographical Society of Georgia, and from 2016 to the present, she has been the President. Since 2006 she has been cooperating with the National Center for Evaluation and Examinations, both for correcting the test works of entrants and teachers, as well as in the Appeals Commission. Since 2000 up to now she is a member of UNCCD CST. In 2012, she was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the 2nd International Conference organized by the UNCCD. Since 2014 she is an expert of the United Nations Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). She is the lead author (LA) of Deliverable 3(b)(i) Chapter 8 "Thematic Assessment of Soil Degradation and Restoration". Since 2016 she is a member of the working group at the national level within the framework of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification and the Global Support Program, "Neutral Land Degradation”. In 2018-2019 she was a consultant of the UNEP Programme “Mid Term Reviewer of Applying Landscape and Sustainable Land Management (L-SLM) for mitigating land degradation project in Georgia (Level C)”. In 2018 was a Land Degradation Expert of GEF - Global Environmental Facility project “GEF Support UNCCD 2018 national reporting process – Umbrella II”. She is the principal investigator and key personnel of several international and local scientific projects.  She was the Committee member of Europian Biodiversity partnership Biodiversa+ Evaluation of the 2020-2021 joint call. She has published scientific articles and is the author and contributor to several monographs.