Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis (RIMA)
RIMA is a�quantitative approach�that enables a rigorous analysis of how households cope with shocks and stressors. Comparisons can be made between different types of households (for example, male-headed versus female-headed or urban versus rural) in a given country or area. Resilience analysis using RIMA provides the necessary evidence to more effectively design, deliver, monitor and evaluate assistance to vulnerable populations, based on what they need most.
Advantages / Benefits
Applying RIMA, FAO produces a series of related products and publication, including:
Resilience analysis reports on selected countries or areas and related policy briefs
Baseline and follow-up impact evaluation reports
Data collection and data sets
Technical papers
Methodological notes and guidelines
Learning tools for data cleaning, data managing, resilience estimation and profiling
Resilience analysis reports on selected countries or areas and related policy briefs
Baseline and follow-up impact evaluation reports
Data collection and data sets
Technical papers
Methodological notes and guidelines
Learning tools for data cleaning, data managing, resilience estimation and profiling
Who's involved
Communities, NGO's, Private sector, Policy-/decision -makers
Information sources