Independent experts nominated by country party

Leina Alawadi

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Biodiversity and ecosystem sciences
Environmental sciences/ecology
Thematic Areas
Communication and awareness
Dust storms
Ecosystem services
Environmental degradation
Environmental governance
Environmental impact assessment
Environmental policy analysis
Integrated natural resources management
Land degradation
Land restoration/reclamation
Land-climate system
Land-use change
Land-use planning
Landscape ecology
Policy analysis
Rangeland ecology
Rangeland management
Remote sensing
Risk assessment
Science policy analysis
Soil conservation
Soil degradation
Sustainable agriculture
Sustainable land management
Traditional knowldege
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Biodiversity Conservation Departement
Telephone number
Work experience
Director of Biodiversity Conservation Department with theirty zears experience working at the Environment Public Authority of State of Kuwait. My experiences include joining over five professional organizations, unions, and conventions, such as Ramsar, IUCN and CBD. Cites... etc., as a member and/or as a spokesperson. As the director, I possess excellent leadership qualities such as analytical desion making, delegation, and critical plroblem solving. Theses skills have helped me in creating extensive managment plans for different reserves in Kuwait as well as being selected as the lead organizer of all the biodiversity conventions, conferences, and workshops in Kuwait for the Middle East and Asia. Moreover, I have attended global and local conferences and completed workshops in over ten environmental fields and disciplines. In addition, I have been selected as a CBD reportaire over four times, most recently for the Open-ended Working Group on the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
BSc. Geology & Organization & Personnel Management, Kuwait University, 1992.
Master's Degree in Management, Access & Conservation of Species in Trade. The international Framework from the International University of Andalusia Baeza (Jaen) - Spain 2012
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Zuhair S. Amr (2021), The State of Biodiversity in Kuwait. Publisher: IUCN Gland Switzerland and the Environment Public Authority, the State of Kuwait, Kuwait.
2. Mansour T. Abdulla and Modhi E. Al-Dosari (2022), Vegetation of the State of Kuwait. Publisher: IUCN Gland Switzerland and the Environment Public Authority, the State of Kuwait, Kuwait.
3. Mohammad A. Abu Baker, Yousef A. Buhadi, Abdulrahman Alenezi, and Zuhair S. Amr (2022), Mammais of the State of Kuwait. Publisher: IUCN Gland Switzerland and the Environment Public Authority, the State of Kuwait, Kuwait.
4. Zuhair S. Amr. Abdulrahman Al-Sirhan Alenezi, Amani Al-Zaidan, and Mohamad A. Abu Baker (2022), Reptiles and Amphibians of the State of Kuwait. Publisher: IUCN Gland Switzerland and the Environment Public Authority, the State of Kuwait, Kuwait.
5. Ahmad Katbeh-Bader, Zuhair Amir, and Mohammad A.J. Marafi (2022), Field Guide to the common Insects of the State of Kuwait. Publisher: IUCN Gland Switzerland and the Environment Public Authority, the State of Kuwait, Kuwait.
Other activities
RAMSAR Focal Point. (2019-present)
CBD focal points (2003 - present)
CBD COP Bureau Member, Asia Pacific region (2018-present)
Team Leader for Updating and revision of the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) of the State of Kuwait 2011-2020
Member in EAGL of the IUCN Green List
Head of the National Biodiversity Committee

Certification of Achievement - Bio-Bridge DNA bar-coding Iniative (BBI) - National Institute of Biological Resources, Korea
UN Environment Program Diploma - University of Eastern Finland in Multilateral Environmental Agreements. "The environment and Human right" (2018)
Organisation name
Environment Public Authority (EPA)
Organisation street address
P.O. BOX 24395
Organisation city
Safat 13104
Organisation post code
Organisation country