Date of Ratification
Annex III: Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
National Focal Points
UNCCD Accredited CSOs
National Action Programmes
- Jamaica - National Action Programme, 2002, English
Voluntary LDN Targets (Optional)
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN National target
Jamaica has defined that “LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 10% of degraded lands of the national territory are improved”.
LDN sub-targets
- LDN measures are incorporated as development and planning objectives within the Local Sustainable Development Plans (LSDP) for parishes of Manchester, Clarendon, St. Elizabeth and St. Catherine. Additionally, going forward, LDN becomes a fixture in all LSDPs
- Coordinate with the Forest Department and others to increase by at least 50% reforestation efforts in the parishes of Hanover, Portland, St. Andrew, St. James and St. Mary
- Develop a policy framework to assess the implications of urban expansion on agricultural land decline in parishes of St. James, St. Catherine, Clarendon St. Andrew and St. Thomas
- LDN is achieved in the parish of Manchester by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline when there was no net loss. Manchester Parish has the highest level of degradation and moderate biomass production. This intervention will improve efforts to increase biomass production significantly
- LDN is achieved in the parishes of Clarendon, Hanover and Westmoreland by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline. These parishes have lowest levels of degradation and the most stable and improving degradation conditions and an additional 5% net gain
- Improve 10% the productivity and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks in cropland and grasslands for the entire country by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline. This will be in addition to reducing soil erosion by 15% by 2030
- Increase efforts to rehabilitate and replant mangroves in South Clarendon, St. Elizabeth and St. Catherine
- Increase forest cover by 5% by 2030 as compared to 2015, through a series of reforestation activities that would amount a total of 200 km2 in the country