An Amazing Event at the COP14

  • 28 August 2019

  • Story

An Amazing Event at the COP14


The side event began with a well-received address by UNCCD Executive Secretary, Mr. Ibrahim Thiaw under whose patronage it was held. His was followed by very informative and illustrative presentations from Republics of Korea and Turkey, both of which have given great support to UNCCD capacity building activities over the years. A big hit with the hundreds of attendees to the side event was the presentation of UNCCD Press Officer Ms. Wagaki Wischnewski, who told her audience that they had wonderful stories to tell which the world was hungry to hear.

The event was designed by the CBM to ensure that no region of the world was left out. In keeping with this, there was a special presentation made by Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management in the Caribbean SIDS. Here the urgent need to address the question of capacity building for effective implementation of the UNCCD in all SIDS was addressed. 

The event ended with an excellent cocktail but not before the entire CBM Team addressed the full hall of participants. Through the use of Skype video call, each member of the Team spoke with participants sharing their experiences about organizing the event and the various roles they each played. They also spoke of the importance of capacity building and the role of the CBM in the same. The intervention by the Team was greatly appreciated by the attendees who were truly thrilled to actually talk to the young people working behind the scenes to create such a meaningful and successful event. To them the CBM Team represented a real and practical demonstration of the peoples of the world working with and for each other in securing the common good of all humanity and the betterment of the planet as a whole. And, special mention must be made of the CBM ad-hoc Indian colleagues Lakshay, Ayush and Tanveer who did the work on the ground the day of the event thus making sure that everything worked splendidly.

This event was truly a magnificent success and you can see images of the same here.


The UNCCD Capacity Building Marketplace is an exchange platform for those seeking and offering knowledge, training and opportunities helpful for anyone working toward Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). The platform is created for students, grassroots movements, professionals, researchers, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), farmers’ organizations and the general public and also by all of them, since everyone is welcome to share opportunities and new ideas.

These events were organized by the UNCCD Capacity Development and Innovation Office.