Costs and benefits of SLM technologies
This new ECON-WOCAT dataset on the costs and benefits of sustainable land management (SLM) technologies is being launched at a time of heightened interest in public and private investments into land restoration, for example, by the United Nations (UN) Decade for Ecosystem Restoration. The ECON-
WOCAT dataset consists of detailed information on the costs and benefits of more than 500 SLM technologies from the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) database. The dataset helps fill a critical gap of scarce and often scattered information on the costs of SLM technologies across ecosystems and regions. It highlights positive economic, social, and environmental impacts of these technologies, including their significant potential for creating new jobs, and also provides numerous options for its use in planning and implementation of SLM and land restoration projects from national to global levels. For example, the information can be used to identify the funding needs for the implementation of the current land restoration commitments by countries as part of their land degradation neutrality (LDN) action plans. This policy brief presents the key characteristics of the SLM technologies in this ECON-WOCAT dataset and discusses the opportunities for the use of the dataset from global and national perspectives.
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