Best Practices Competition in sustainable development area of Central Asia
Alikhan Bokeikhan Street
Best Practice is a case story of effective solution of a problem to increase the level and quality of human life.
Aim of the competition is – to collect and popularize best examples of efficient activity in the area of sustainable development.
Creating a database of Best Practices the ILN/CARNet Network contributes to implementation of the Millennium Development Goals in Central Asia through widening an access to innovative methods and concrete examples in solving of sustainable development problems.
Best Practices Competition is held with the support provided by the UNDP Regional Center for Europe and CIS in partnership with the UNDP offices in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Best Practices collected within the ILN/CARNet Best Practices Competition will be published in Russian and Kyrgyz languages in special publication entitled “Best Practices in Sustainable Development of Central Asia”.