Centre d'échange d'informations de la Côte d'Ivoire (CHM)

Reporting entity
Managing entity
Clearinghouse information Cote d'Ivoire
Managing entity type
KSS Operational Coverage
Côte d'Ivoire
Project Examples
Registration required
Registration not required
Website's languages



Search capability
Basic website search engine
Translation options
Google Chrome browser necessary for translation to other languages

The Center for the Exchange of Information on Biological Diversity (CHM)

The CHM was established pursuant to the provisions of Article 17 of the Convention, which recommends that Contracting Parties facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information from all publicly available sources. It aims to promote, inter alia, the three objectives of the Convention, namely:

  • the conversation;
  • Sustainable use of resources;
  • The fair and equitable sharing of benefits from Biodiversity.

In order to achieve these objectives, the CHM wishes to develop a platform for collaboration, both nationally and internationally, with research and development institutions, researchers, communities, partners and civil society in order to raise awareness of Diodiversity, On the one hand, and on the other, to raise the collective consciousness to the preservation and preservation of it. 
Also, your contribution is strongly solicited.