East African Development Library
Reporting entity
Managing entity
The University of Waikato
food security
soil conservation
science and technology
local knowledge
economic development
sustainable development
Registration required
Registration not required
Website's languages
Search capability
Dedicated multi-document search engine
About this collection
This is a UNESCO collection rebuilt from CD-ROM. It is the first edition of the East African Development Library CD-ROM published in the Publica collection. This collection includes a wide range of material on development aimed at basic readers, including documents carefully selected by correspondents in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, along with others extracted from the development libraries produced by Human Info NGO. The collection contains 592 documents totalling 55000 pages.
How to find information in the East African Development Library collection
There are 4 ways to find information in this collection:
- search for particular words that appear in the text by clicking the Search button
- browse documents by Title by clicking the Titles button
- browse documents by Subject by clicking the Subjects button
- browse documents by Organization by clicking the Organizations button