Environmental Migration Portal: Knowledge Platform on People on the Move in a Changing Climate

Reporting entity
Managing entity
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Managing entity type
Multilateral agency
Registration required
Registration not required
Website's languages





The Environmental Migration Portal: Knowledge Platform on People on the Move in a Changing Climate seeks to provide a one-stop service website to promote new research, information exchange and dialogue, intended to fill the existing data, research and knowledge gaps on the migration-environment nexus.

Human mobility in relation to climate change and environmental degradation has been gaining increasing prominence in the public and policy debates. The past few years have witnessed the emergence of a plethora of academic literature, policy discussions and forums as well as operational responses to a phenomenon that cuts across many different thematic and policy areas. However, new research, policy developments and information remain scattered.

In this light, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has created the Environmental Migration Portal: Knowledge Platform on People on the Move in a Changing Climate, funded by the European Union.

The Portal aims to:

  • centralize relevant and up-to-date research, data and information on migration, environment and climate change
  • offer a virtual space for exchange, learning and advocacy
  • support and encourage coordination and cooperation between stakeholders