Reporting entity
Managing entity
The University of Waikato
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Search capability
Dedicated multi-document search engine

About this collection

This CD-ROM library FNL 2.2 contains 600+ publications (54,000) in the fields of food, nutrition, food processing, food policy and nutrition research. The objective of this cooperative project is to provide those involved in the areas of food, nutrition and food policy access to a comprehensive CD-ROM library containing multidisciplinary insight about solutions to problems facing the poor.

This humanitarian project is implemented in cooperation with numerous organizations and agencies and includes publications of the United Nations University, United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN), the World Food Program, GTZ-GATE, NS-BOSTID, Peace Corps, IFPRI and man others.

How to find information in the fnl2.2 collection

There are 4 ways to find information in this collection:

  • search for particular words that appear in the text by clicking the Search button
  • browse documents by Title by clicking the Titles button
  • browse documents by Subject by clicking the Subjects button
  • browse documents by Organization by clicking the Organizations button