The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP)
29 Istiqbol Street
The history of the Global Environment Facility’s Small Grants Program (GEF SGP) begins in Uzbekistan since 2005. It was the time when United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) began discussing with the State Committee for Nature Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan the ability to attract the GEF SGP in the country. The meetings with government representatives, representatives of organizations concerned with the protection of nature in the country, the various users of natural resources have been started.
According to GEF requirements, a ministry of the Environment should send a request to attract the GEF SGP to the country. In our case, such ministry was the State Committee for Nature Protection. After coordination with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the working conditions and of the requirements of GEF to the country, the State Committee for Environment sent an official request to GEF about attraction of GEF SGP into Uzbekistan. You can introduce with this letter-request from the Chairman of State Committee for Nature Protection. Unfortunately, the letter-request was made only in English.