Reporting entity
Managing entity
The University of Waikato
sustainable development
science and technology
food/ nutrition
renewable energy
Registration required
Registration not required
Website's languages


Search capability
Dedicated multi-document search engine

About this collection

The Humanity Development Library is a large collection of practical information aimed at helping reduce poverty, increasing human potential, and providing a practical and useful education for all. This version, 2.0, contains 1,230 publications--books, reports, and magazines--in various areas of human development, from agricultural practice to economic policies, from water and sanitation to society and culture, from education to manufacturing, from disaster mitigation to micro-enterprises. It contains a total of 160,000 pages and 30,000 images, which if printed would weigh 340 kg and cost US$20,000. It is available on CD-ROM at US$2 for distribution in developing countries.

The objective of the Humanity Libraries Project is to provide all involved in development, well-being and basic needs with access to a complete library of around 3,000 multidisciplinary books containing practical knowhow and ideas. We invite many more development organizations to share their useful publications, to help distribute these libraries, and to participate in this humanitarian project.


How to find information in the Humanity Development Library collection

There are 5 ways to find information in this collection:

  • search for particular words that appear in the text by clicking the Search button
  • browse documents by Title by clicking the Titles button
  • browse documents by Subject by clicking the Subjects button
  • browse documents by Organization by clicking the Organizations button
  • browse documents by Collage by clicking the Collage button