A natural fix: A joined-up approach to delivering the Global Goals for Sustainable Development

The conclusion of the preamble to “transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” stresses the importance of the linkages and integrated nature of the global Goals in realizing the 2030 Agenda. To meet the SDGs, it will be vital to manage these linkages, to harness synergies and minimize potential conflicts and trade-offs within and between the Sustainable Development Goals and targets. The successful implementation of target 15.3 - on land degradation neutrality - can connect the dots between many of these goals and targets. Healthy and productive land is the natural fix to a number of pressing problems, such as food and water security. By safeguarding life on land, we deliver for all life on Earth. We establish the basis for communities – all citizens - everywhere to not just survive but thrive by building a future on a healthy and productive foundation.