A Rising Africa in a Fragile Environment: The Initiative on Sustainability, Stability and Security

The 3S Initiative – for Sustainability, Stability and Security in Africa – is an inter-governmental initiative helping to transform the narrative and unlock Africa’s potential.
Countries participating in the 3S Initiative believe that social inclusion can be achieved hand-in-hand with environmental stewardship. If we harness Africa’s great strengths – its land, its traditions and its people - we can create at least 2 million job opportunities on 10 million hectares of rehabilitated land in the next few years. By reducing vulnerability and building a future from the ground up, the 3S initiative will show how we can offer young people a chance to both set down roots and a chance to soar.
1. Create two million green jobs for vulnerable groups, in particular young people, migrants, displaced populations and individuals targeted by extremist groups, through the investment in the restoration and sustainable land management of ten million hectares of degraded lands by 2025;
2. Strengthen access to land and tenure rights to increase the sense of belonging to a specific community and place, particularly in fragile areas;
3. Prevent displacement by improving preparedness and early warning systems for drought and other natural disasters.