2019 - COP 14 participant survey results (November 2019)

Monitoring and evaluation refers to evidence-based measurement of the achievement of planned results. It enables a timely recognition and correction of problems in delivering a given task, and the identification of successful practices that can be strengthened and replicated. Monitoring and evaluation increases the likelihood of a continuous delivery of tangible results.
Systematic monitoring and evaluation of activities carried out under the UNCCD started in 2014. It is intended to strengthen the external credibility and accountability of the secretariat and the Global Mechanism, and to enhance their internal culture of learning.
An evaluation office was established to plan and coordinate monitoring and evaluation. The evaluations under the UNCCD are usually prepared by independent evaluators. The evaluation office plans and schedules the evaluations, recruits the independent evaluators, arranges for knowledge-sharing of the evaluation outcomes and follows-up the implementation of evaluation recommendations.
The evaluation reports and related management responses are openly accessible to Parties and other stakeholders through this web page. They are also presented to Parties at the COP in the context of the agenda item on programme and budget.
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