The contribution of land and water management approaches to SLM and LDN

Tthe United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) prepared this report to better understand the alignment of different land and water management approaches with sustainable land management (SLM) and land degradation neutrality (LDN). This alignment was assessed using criteria that comprise three pillars essential to SLM and LDN: ecosystem health, food security and human well-being. Other socioeconomic criteria used in the assessment are known to simultaneously contribute to all three pillars (i.e., cross-cutting criteria). Accordingly, this report addresses the following questions:
- How do selected land and water management approaches align with the pillars and criteria of SLM and LDN?
- Where do gaps in alignment occur?
- How can these gaps in alignment be addressed to achieve the highest possible contribution of each approach to implementing SLM and achieving LDN?
By demonstrating the alignment of the approaches with SLM and LDN and by identifying entry points for addressing gaps in alignment, this report can guide UNCCD Parties in planning and evaluating land and water management projects, leverage policy and donor support and increase the potential to advance SLM and achieve LDN.
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