Independent experts nominated by country party

Adeline Derkimba

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Animal Science
Agricultural Sciences
Soil Science
UN languages spoken



Job function
Doctor in animal sciences
Desertification Program Manager, CARI
Telephone number
0033 467 55 61 18
Work experience
I worked for seven years within a French research institute (INRA), on livestock farming systems and territorial development. I developed analysis of producer’s strategies, market chain organization and resources management. I was mostly on french and sahelian fields (Mali, Tchad, Senegal), and worked very closely with producers and technical staffs. I’ve decided for now to use my competences for improving the actions of civil society. By working closely with french and southern partners, I improve my understanding of stakes about combating desertification in sahelian areas. _x000D_
Thematic areas: _sustainable development in dry areas
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD in Animal sciences : farming systems and resources management, 2007, AgroParisTech (Paris, France)
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Lambert-Derkimba A., Ickowicz A., Aubron C., Toure I., Moulin C.H., (2014), Sustainability assessment of pastoral systems and their contribution to the one of territories, International Rangeland Congress, Liflod Network’s Workshop, Rosario, Argentine (under press)._x000D_
2. Lambert-Derkimba A, Lauvie A, Verrier E, (2013) Interactions between management of local breeds and valorization of products: examples of French cattle breeds, Animal Genetic Resources._x000D_
3. Lambert-Derkimba A, Verrier E, Casabianca F, (2011) Tensions entre ressources génétiques locales et ancrage territorial des produits : La race porcine corse dans un projet AOP, Economie rurale, 322, 39-49._x000D_
4. Lambert-Derkimba A, Minery S, Barbat A, Casabianca F, Verrier E, (2010) Consequences of the inscription of local breeds in PDO cow cheese specifications for the genetic management of the herds, Animal, 4 (12), 1976-1986._x000D_
5. Lambert-Derkimba, A., Astruc, J.M.; Regaldo, D.; Casabianca, F.; Verrier, E. (2007) PDO and sustainable development : targeting the average production as a way to question productivity ? 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production; Dublin, Irlande
Organisation name
Centre d'Action et de Réalisations Internationales
Organisation street address
12 rue du Courreau _x000D_
34380 Viols le Fort_x000D_
France, 34380
Organisation city
Viols le Fort
Organisation country