Independent experts nominated by country party

Alain Bourbouze

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
Animal Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Enseignant chercheur
Telephone number
33 04 67 04 60 12
Work experience
I am professor at the INA Paris-Grignon in the Animal production department. I work now ("mise à disposition") in the International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), IAM of Montpellier. My activity in rangeland management and development of dryland and mountain land use systems emerged from work carried out in marginal areas of North Africa, notably in Morocco. I have a particular interest in land tenure, local orgnaizations and all the socio-economic factors which affect farming systems and specially animal production systems. I have been active in coordinating the network "Reseau Parcours"(1989-2000) and I am currently working on transformations of (i) agropastoral systems in the arid zones of Tunisia and Moroco and (ii) mountain pastoral system in Balkans (Albania) and High Atlas (Morocco).
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ingénieur agronome (1965), ingénieur docteur (1981)
Number of Publications
Publication titles
Bourbouze A., 2000. Pastoralisme au Maghreb: la révolution silencieuse. Revue Fourrages (2000) 161, 3-21 pp._x000D_
Bourbouze A. et El Aich A., 2000. Gestion des parcours et des troupeaux en régions steppiques et réponse à l'aléa climatique, in Livestock production and climatic uncertainty in the Mediterranean, ed. Guessous, Rihani, Wageningen P, EAAP pub. N°94, 307-319 pp_x000D_
Bourbouze A. et Qarro M. (edit.) 2000 Rupture: nouveaux enjeux, nouvelles fonctions, nouvelle image de l'élevage sur parcours. 5éme Séminaire internat. Réseau Parcours, IAMM série A n°39, 245 p._x000D_
Bourbouze, A. (1999) Gestion de la mobilité et résistance des organisations pastorales des éleveurs du Haut Atlas marocain face aux transformations du contexte pastoral maghébin. In "Managing mobility in african rangeland : the legitimization of transhumant pastoralism", NIAMIR-FULLER, M. (ed), FAO, IT public pp 236-265._x000D_
Bourbouze, A. (1997). Des Agdal et des mouflons: protection des ressources et (0u) développement rural dans
Other activities
Comité scientifique Agropolis Museum_x000D_
Association française de pastoralisme (conseil d'administration)
Organisation street address
3191 route de Mende_x000D_
B.P. 5056, 34093
Organisation city
Montpellier Cedex
Organisation country