Independent experts nominated by country party
Alejandro Casas Fernández
First name
Last name
Casas Fernández
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Plant Science
Plant Science
UN languages spoken
Job function
Professor and Researcher
Faculty of Sciences
Telephone number
52 43 200830
Work experience
- Researcher at the projects: Integral Utilization of Natural Resources and Social Development in Subsistence Rural Areas. Ecology Laboratory at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)_x000D_
- Professor (full time), Ecology Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, 1983-1993_x000D_
- Guest researcher at the project "Maintenance of Biodiversity in the Tehuacan Valley developed by UNAM, Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix Arizona funded by WWF, 1991_x000D_
- Professor of Human Ecology, Faculty of Medecine at the UNAM
- Professor (full time), Ecology Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, 1983-1993_x000D_
- Guest researcher at the project "Maintenance of Biodiversity in the Tehuacan Valley developed by UNAM, Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix Arizona funded by WWF, 1991_x000D_
- Professor of Human Ecology, Faculty of Medecine at the UNAM
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Casas, A., J.L. Viveros, E. Katz and J. Caballero. 1987. The Plants in the Mixtec Alimentation: an Ethnobotanical approach. Indigenous America. 47(2)317-343._x000D_
2. Casas, A. and J. Caballero. 1996. Traditional Management and Morphological Region Variation in Leucaena Esculenta (Moc. et Sessé ex A. DC.) Benth. in the Mistec of Guerrero, mexico. Economic Botany 50(2):167-181._x000D_
3. Casas, A., M.C. Vasquez, J.L. Viveros and J. Caballero. 1996. Plant Management among the Nahua and the Mixtec of the Balsas river basin: an ethnobotanical approach to the study of plan doemstication. Human ecology 24(4):455-478._x000D_
4. Casas, A., B. Pickersgill, J. Caballero and A. Valiente-Banuet. Ethnobotany and the Process of Domestication in the Xoconochtli Stenocereus Stellatus (CACTACEAE) in the Tehuacan Valley and La Mixteca Baja, Mexico. Economic Botany (in press)._x000D_
5. Valiente-Banuet, A., A. Rojas-Martinez, A. Casas, M.C. Arizmendi and P. Davila. Floral Biology and Pollination Ecology of
2. Casas, A. and J. Caballero. 1996. Traditional Management and Morphological Region Variation in Leucaena Esculenta (Moc. et Sessé ex A. DC.) Benth. in the Mistec of Guerrero, mexico. Economic Botany 50(2):167-181._x000D_
3. Casas, A., M.C. Vasquez, J.L. Viveros and J. Caballero. 1996. Plant Management among the Nahua and the Mixtec of the Balsas river basin: an ethnobotanical approach to the study of plan doemstication. Human ecology 24(4):455-478._x000D_
4. Casas, A., B. Pickersgill, J. Caballero and A. Valiente-Banuet. Ethnobotany and the Process of Domestication in the Xoconochtli Stenocereus Stellatus (CACTACEAE) in the Tehuacan Valley and La Mixteca Baja, Mexico. Economic Botany (in press)._x000D_
5. Valiente-Banuet, A., A. Rojas-Martinez, A. Casas, M.C. Arizmendi and P. Davila. Floral Biology and Pollination Ecology of
Other activities
- Member of the Mexican Botanical Society_x000D_
- Member of the Latin americans of Etnobotanical Group_x000D_
- Member of the Society of Ethnobiology_x000D_
- British Ecological Genetics Group_x000D_
- Society of Economic Botany
- Member of the Latin americans of Etnobotanical Group_x000D_
- Member of the Society of Ethnobiology_x000D_
- British Ecological Genetics Group_x000D_
- Society of Economic Botany
- National Researcher, National Systems of Researches, 1995, National Council of Science and Technology, CONACYT, Mexico._x000D_
- Honorary mention by the Mexican Botanical Society by the work "Etnobotanica mixteca alimentacion y subsistencia en la montaña de
- Honorary mention by the Mexican Botanical Society by the work "Etnobotanica mixteca alimentacion y subsistencia en la montaña de
Organisation name
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Organisation street address
Laboratorio de Ecologia_x000D_
Circuito Exterior Ciudad Universitaria, CP 04510
Circuito Exterior Ciudad Universitaria, CP 04510
Organisation city
México DF
Organisation country