Independent experts nominated by country party

Alexandre Ickowicz

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Animal Science
Forest and Rangeland Dynamics
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken


Job function
Deputy Director
Research unit on Ruminant Rearing in hot regions
Telephone number
33 04 99 61 21 59
Work experience
I have been involved in research on sahelian rangeland dynamics and use by ruminants since 1985, in Chad between 1985 and 1992, then in Senegal. I studied ruminant nutrition behavior and performance, use of tree forage, impact on rangeland dynamics. In agropastoral area of Senegal, we studied the role of ruminants herds on soil fertility transfers. In 2001, we organised a multidisciplinary research team in Dakar (Pôle Pastoral Zones Sèches – PPZS) with Senegalese institutions to study pastoral systems and their dynamics in a changing environments. We organised at the Sahel scale a regional information system on pastoral areas with FAO-LEAD. At present, we are involved in research programs on pastoral vulnerability indicators, pastoral adaptation strategy to environmental changes, role of livestock systems in local rural development.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD, “Dynamics of forage availability on Sahelian rangelands in Chad”, Paris XII University, 1995.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. TOUTAIN B., ICKOWICZ A. 1999. Grazing Systems Module. In: Campbell, K.L.I., Hodgson, N.H. and Gill, M. (eds) (1999). Livestock and Environment Toolbox. CD-ROM. Livestock, Environment and Development (LEAD) Initiative. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations FAO. Rome. ISBN 92-5-104445-7_x000D_
2. MANLAY, R.J., ICKOWICZ, A., MASSE, D., FELLER, C. & RICHARD, D., 2004. Spatial carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budget of a village of the West African savanna - II. Element flows and functioning of a mixed-farming system. Agricultural Systems 79 (1) 83-107._x000D_
3 DE CAO G., ICKOWICZ A., TOURE I., GERBER P. 2008. An information and early warning system designed for sahelian pastoral systems: the example of SIPSA implementation in Senegal. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development, 102 (1/2): 141-159._x000D_
4. TOUTAIN B., ICKOWICZ A., C. DUTILLY-DIANE, R. REID, A.T. DIOP, V.K. TANEJA, A. GIBON, D. GENIN, M. IBRAHIM, R. BEHNKE, A. ASH. 2010. Impacts of extensive livestock systems on terrestrial ecosystems. In : Steinfeld, H., H. Mooney, F. Schneider, L. Neville. (eds). Livestock in a Changing Landscape volume I: Drivers, Consequences, and Responses. SCOPE, Washington D.C.: Island Press. pp 165-195._x000D_
5. ICKOWICZ A., BAH A., BOMMEL P., CHOISIS JP., ETIENNE M., GIBON A., LASSEUR J., MORALES H., TOURE I., TOURRAND J.F. 2010. Facteurs de transformations des systèmes d’élevage extensifs des territoires : étude comparée des dynamiques locales sur trois continents. Cah. Agric, 2010 ; 19 : 2, pp. 127-134.
Other activities
1. Comité Français de la Désertification_x000D_
2. Desert Network International_x000D_
3.”Cahiers Agricultures” Journal Editorial Committee
Organisation name
Organisation street address
Montpellier SUPAGRO, 2 place Pierre VIALA, 34060
Organisation city
Organisation country