Independent experts nominated by country party

Alfonso Valiente Banuet

First name
Last name
Valiente Banuet
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Plant Science
UN languages spoken




Job function
Associate Researcher
Ecology Center
Telephone number
52 5 622 90 10
Work experience
- Research works in the programme of Doctorate in Ecology, Laboratory of the Desert Tucson-Arizona University under supervision by Dr. Raymond Turner (participant)_x000D_
- Post Doctorate on Ecology of arid zones: Landscape Ecology, Geomorphology soils and ecology of plants in arid zones, Phoenix Arizona under supervision by Dr. Joseph R. Mc Auliffe (participant)_x000D_
- Maintenance of Biodiversity in the Tehuacan Valley, Puebla Mexico: Social, economic and geographic factors influencing human use of wildland resources. It was an interdisciplinary project supported by World Wildlife Fund (Director of Project, 1991)_x000D_
- Diagnosis and conservation of the islands in California Gulf (Coordinator on the flora section)
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B. Sc. in Biology, Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM), 1981_x000D_
M. Sc. Ecology, Ecology Center of UNAM, 1987_x000D_
Ph. D. Ecology, Ecology Center of UNAM, 1991
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Arizmendi, A. M. C. y Valiente-Banuet, A. 1993. Biology II. Angeles Editores, México._x000D_
2. Valiente-Banuet, A. et al. Ecological Reserve of Pedregal de San Angel. Edit. UNAM_x000D_
3. Valiente-Banuet, A. et al. Vulnerability to global change in natural ecosystems in rural areas. In: Roger E. y Kasperson, J. X. (eds)_x000D_
4. Valiente-Banuet, A. et al. Ecology of polonization, dispersion and the establishment of mexican cactaceae. In: Mexican Cactaceaes. CVS Publications.
Other activities
- Mexican Botanical Society (Civil Association)_x000D_
- Mexican Cactology society, Civil Association_x000D_
- Latin american Botanical Association_x000D_
- Latin american and Carribean Cacteceae and Succulenceae Association_x000D_
- Peruvian Cactaceae and Succulenceae Society
- Doctoral Thesis award with an hi$onor mention (UNAM)_x000D_
- Member of National Research System, National Researcher "I"_x000D_
- Doctoral studies awarded with medal Gebino Barreda apporved by the University Council, Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM)
Organisation name
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Organisation street address
P. O. Box 70-275, CP 04510
Organisation city
México DF
Organisation country