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Independent experts nominated by country party

Alfredo Morillo Frías

First name
Last name
Morillo Frías
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken


Job function
Environmental Conservation Program
Telephone number
809 688 8174
Work experience
- Field superintendent of sugar mill, technology transfer and communication responsible-agricultural development foundation._x000D_
- Environmental conservation education section chief-ministry of agriculture, Director Depto. _x000D_
of environmental education and dept. of Land and water (soil) conservation)-ministry of Agriculture._x000D_
- Responsible: Agroforesty Project-Proyecto Desarrollo Agropecuario de San Juan INDRHI-BID-FIA. Coordinador/adviser:Environmental conservation Programa Helvetas-RD. Consultant with abt ass-policy inventory (nat.res). these responsibilities imply field activities, project implementation, monitoring-formulation, working with community groups and Nao. Profesor, natural resource management/Park-Protected Area mgt
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
M.S. Natural Resources/Environmental Management Education, the Ohio State University,1986. Agronomist (Ing. Agron), Agricultural Education, Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra-ISA, 1974
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Morrillo, A. 1992, “Educacion Ambiental en la República Dominicana” in Revista UNESCO, Santiago, Chile;_x000D_
2. Morillo, A. 1995, “Educacion Ambiental: Alternativa de Cambio en la Percepcion y Actitud frente al Ambiente y sus Recursos”, in ciencias y sociedad, INTEC, V. XVI, num.1, pags 35-47, INTEC, Santo Domingo; _x000D_
3. Morillo, A. 1986, “Environmental Education in the Dominican Republic” in D.A.cox w.B. stapp (Eds.) International Perspectives on Environmental education: A. issues and actions, NAEE, troy, OH.;_x000D_
4. Morillo, A. del Valle, R. 1982, Guía de Educacion Ambiental, Ministerio de Agricultura, Santo Domingo, R. D.;_x000D_
5. Morillo, A. etal, 1997, La Agroforestería en la Republica Dominicana, Red Latinoamericana de Cooperacion Agroforestal/FAO, Santiago, Chile.
Other activities
1. Consultant, consortium of Caribbean Universities for natural resource management;_x000D_
2. Member, the Ohio State Alumni Ass.;_x000D_
3. Member, North American Ass for Environmental Education;_x000D_
4. Member, Steering Committee, Environmental Program in the DR/WI (former);_x000D_
5. Member, technical Committee, Consortium of Caribbean Universities for Natural Resource Management
1. Cum Laude (B.S.) Degree)_x000D_
2. CCNRM technical committee member_x000D_
3. International representative-the Ohio State University President Meeting (Two year)
Organisation name
Swiss Association for International Cooperation-Helvetas
Organisation street address
I25 Moisés García st., Gazcue
Organisation city
Santo Domingo
Organisation country
Dominican Republic