Independent experts nominated by country party

Ali Al-Dousari

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Thematic Areas
Land restoration/reclamation
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Desert Goup of Kuwait
Telephone number
Work experience
Dr. Al-Dousari joined KISR in December 1991 as a Research Assistant, specialized in Sedimentology and geomorphology. Dr. Al-Dousari continued with his higher studies and obtained his Master Degree in Aeolian Sedimentology and Ph.D. in sediment, morphometric and mineralogical characteristics of dunes in Kuwait.
Dr. Ali M. Al Dousari participated as first and co-author in more than 50 books and published papers in refereed scientific Journals and conferences. He also participated in many major projects as project leader, principle investigator, project leader and is also an active member in many scientific committees. He has conducted many workshops, training courses and conferences. He is acting as referee in Journals and editor in Arabian Journal of Geosciences and reviewers in many scientific journals.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD in Geology from Royal Holloway University of London, thesis title (Sedimentological, Geomorphological and Mineralogical Characteristics of Mobile Sand and Anchored Dunes in Northwestern Kuwait) in 2003

Master degree of Science in Geology thesis title (Textural Characteristics and Mineralogy of Free Dunes of the Al-Huwaimiliyah - Al-Atraf Zone in Kuwait) in 1998

Bachelor Degree of Science in Geology from Kuwait University in 1990
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. A. Al-Dousari, M. Ahmed, N. Al-Dousari, F. Mutairi, F. Ballam, E. Rashidi, S. Otaibi, H. Azemi and A. Bhatali. 2014. Physical and chemical properties of complex and a compound nabkhas inKhadma area - Northern Kuwait Bay. Arbian Gulf Journal of Scientific research. 32(4):259-267
2. Al-Dousari, A.M., J. Al-Awadhi., and M. Ahmed. 2013. Dust Fallout Characteristics within Global Dust Storms Major Trajectories. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 6(10): 3877-3884. Doi. 10. 1007/s1257-012-0644-0
3. Ahmed, M and A, Al-Dousari 2015. Rehabilitation of Artificial Degraded Playa Using PalmMat Water Conservation Techniques. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology. 90-983
4. AlEnezi, E. A. Al-Dousari and F. Al-Shammeri. 2014 Modeling adsorption of inorganic phosphorous on dust fallout in Kuwait. Journal of Engineering Research 2(2):1-4
5. Al-Awadhi, J.M., A.M. Al-Dousari and F. I. Khalaf. 2014. Influence of Land degradation on the local rate of dust fallout in Kwait. Atmospheric and Climatic Sciences 4,
Other activities
1. Head of the Environmental situation committee in KFAS
2. Supervising master student in geology Department, Kuwait University
3. Head of the Environmental committee Public Authority of Agriculture Fishery Resources (PAAFR)
4. Worked in preparing the strategic plan of Kuwait institute for scientific research KISR (2009-2010
5. Organizer of 2 panel discussion titled (Recent wars in degradation of the environmental ecosystem and natural resources and (Desertification Agreement) (17 June 2007-25 May 2003
1. Scientific Achievement Award 2009/2010, KISR
2. Scientific Achievement Award 2010/2011, KISR
3. Scientific Achievement Award 2011/2012, KISR
4. Scientific Achievement Award 2012/2013, KISR
5. Scientific Achievement Award 2013/2014, KISR
6. Award for the Bubiyan project 2005, KISR
7. Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Science research (KFAS) Award for best student research 1989
Organisation name
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
Organisation nature
Scientific Research
Organisation street address
Organisation city
Organisation post code