Independent experts nominated by country party

Ali Khalili

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Atmospheric Sciences
UN languages spoken


Job function
Agr. College, Irrigation Dept.
Telephone number
98 261 2224530 / 426827
Work experience
1. Scientific Director of climatological studies for the National Water Plan of Iran (Integrated Water Plan Project): Tehran Ministry of Power, JAMAB Cons. Eng., 1986-1991._x000D_
2. Scientific Director of meteorological studies of the "Second Step of the Integrated Water Plan Project of Iran" (Scale 1/250,000), Ministry of Power, Jamab Cons. Eng.; Tehran, Iran (1996-1998)._x000D_
3. Scientific Director of climatic studies of "National Urban Development Project"; Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran (1992-1996).
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. (Doctorat d'Etat), Meteorology, Paris University, 1965._x000D_
M.Sc. Meteorology, 1962, Paris University._x000D_
B.Sc. Meteorology, University of Tehran, 1958.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Climate of Iran, 4 volumes (Scale of study: 1/1000,000): Precipitation (974 pages), Air Temperature (420 pages, Khalili et al.); Evaporative Power of the Atmosphere (177 pages, Khalili et al.); Climatic Zoning (295 pages, Khalili et al.). Publisher: Ministry of Power, Jamab Cons. Eng., Tehran, Iran, 1991._x000D_
2. Solar energy over Iran (A study based on multi-correlation analysis between radiation components and meteorological elements over Iran, 188 pages including two maps); scale 1/4000,000). Publisher: Plan Organization of Iran; Bureau of Technical Standards and Research; Iran, Tehran, Spring 1997._x000D_
3. Climatic habitability over Iran. Reproof of a study project including: Human comfort index (climatic zoning), Cooling degree - days, Heating degree - days, Climatic zoning from building standards point of view. Under print by Building and Housing Research Center; Ministry of Housing & Urban Development, Tehran, Iran (Some 300 pages & 4 color 1/1000,000 maps, final manuscrit
Other activities
1. Head of Meteorological Division, University of Tehran, Irrigation Dept. since 1986._x000D_
2. Member of: Editorial Board of Journal of Geophysics, Univ. of Tehran, Editorial Board of Iranian Journal of Agric. Sciences (1988-1994), Editorial Board of Biaban (Scientific Journal of Arid Zones Research Center of the Univ. of Tehran).
1. Award from Univ. of Paris for Dissertation (1966)._x000D_
2. Joint member of Academy of Sciences of IRI since 1990._x000D_
3. Scientific member of National Committee of Climatology since 1996.
Organisation name
University of Tehran
Organisation city