Independent experts nominated by country party

Alon Ben-Gal

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Plant Science
Thematic Areas
Geographical Focus
Job function
Senior Researcher
Agricultural Resrch Organization, Gilat Research Center
Telephone number
0097 (0) 89928644/972(0)506220125
Work experience
I am well experienced in all aspects of Israeli agriculture and agricultural systems. I have been involved in international projects in India, Ecuador, China, Jordan, Egypt, the Palestinian Authority, Turkey, The USA, Holland and Germany. A major focus of my research regards conditions of salinity, especially irrigation water salinity, plant response and water management. My expertise is combined stress causing factors; with specific emphasis on salinity combined with water stress, boron toxicity and nutrient deficiencies. The nature of the “science of irrigation” is by definition inter-disciplinary and therefore I have a long list of collaborators. I believe that only through such cooperation with experts in the other disciplines affecting soil water plant atmosphere relationships can my science have substantial impact and significance. _x000D_
Areas of field experience: Irrigation, Soil Science, Plant response to abiotic stress, Salinity
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD in soil and water, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2002
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. ___ Ben-Gal A and Shani U (2002) Yield, transpiration and growth of tomatoes under combined excess boron and salinity stress. Plant and Soil, 247:211-221. ________________________ _x000D_
2. ___ Shani, U., Ben-Gal, A. Tripler E. and Dudley, L.M. (2007) Plant response to the soil environment: an analytical model integrating yield, water, soil type and salinity. Water Resources Res. Vol. 43, W08418, 10.1029/2006WR005313__________________________ _x000D_
3. ___ Yermiyahu U., Tal A., Ben-Gal A., Bar-Tal, A., Tarchitzky J. and Lahav, O. (2007) Rethinking desalinated water quality and agriculture, Science, 318, 920-921. _x000D_
4. ___ Ben-Gal A, Kool D, Agam N, van Helsema G, Yermiyahu U, Yafe A, Presnov E, Erel R, Majdo A, Zipori I, Segal E, Rüger S, Zimmermann U, Cohen Y, Alchanatis V, Dag A. (2010) Whole-tree water balance and indicators for short-term drought stress in non-bearing ‘Barnea’ olives. Agric. Water Manag. 98, 124-133. _x000D_
5. __ Ben-Gal, A, Weikard, H-P, Shah SH, van der Zee S. (2013) A coupled agronomic-economic model to consider allocation of brackish irrigation water. Water Resour. Res. 49, doi: 10.1002/wrcr.20258.
Other activities
1. _Membership, The Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, the International Society for Horticultural Sciences _x000D_
2. _Organizer of conferences and symposia_x000D_
3. _Guidance of research students (5 MSc, 3 PhD, 4 post doctoral)_____________ _x000D_
4. Associate Editor, Irrigation Science; Editorial Advisory Board, Agricultural Water Management _x000D_
5. Scientific Director, Southern Arava R&D
1. Chinese Ministry of Education 111 plan international scholar. Topic: “Improving water use efficiency in Agriculture: from crop to regional scale and effects on environment”
Organisation name
Gilat Research Center
Organisation street address
Gilat Research Center_x000D_
mobile post Negev 2, 85280
Organisation city
Organisation country