Independent experts nominated by country party

Amado Luis Palma Torres

First name
Amado Luis
Last name
Palma Torres
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Main specialist
Environmental Management
Telephone number
53 031 371 224 / 349 573
Work experience
-Coordinator of 4 projects: territorial approach linked to t he evaluation of the effects of the reforestation on some environmental variables like soils, climate, vegetation and fauna; the use of remote censors in the evaluation of environmental impacts in coastal ecosystems and in hydrographic basins_x000D_
-Coordinator in international projects dealing with the evaluation of methodologies of participate diagnose with FAO financing and which is linked to the integrated handling of natural resources etc._x000D_
-Participant in the realization of diagnosis and classification of 8 basins in the oriental region of Cuba_x000D_
-Participant in a project: Community rural development with the introduction of agro-silvo-pastoril technologies, minimum crop handling and other agroecological technologies
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
-engineer forest, Pinar del Rio University
Number of Publications
Publication titles
-Evaluation of the Albizzia procera in the recuperation of degraded soils” summary book of the V congress of Soil Sciences in Cuba and XV Latin-American Congress of soil sciences, vol. No 1 44 pp, Cuba, 2001_x000D_
-“Diagnose of the processes of desertification and drought in las Tunas region” summary book of the V congress of Soil Sciences in Cuba and XV Latin-American Congress of soil sciences, vol. No 1 56 pp, Cuba, 2001_x000D_
-“Evaluation of the processes of salinity of the soil coastal ecosystyms with the use of the teledictation.” Summary Book of the III International Symposium of Humid soils, vol 1, 64 pp, Cuba_x000D_
-“Evaluation of the effects of the reforestation on some environmental variables at Manatí Municipality.” _x000D_
-“Planning of the use of the Heart in an area steers of the cautious in the Western region of Cuba.” summary book of the IV Latin-American Congress of Sustainable Development, vol. No 1 32 pp, Panama City, 2001
Other activities
-Coordinator of the program of National Action of Fight against Desertification and Drought in Las Tunas province_x000D_
-Classification and handling of forest resources in hydrographic basins_x000D_
-Development of technologies of sustainable forest handling_x000D_
-Evaluation in situ of fitogenetic resources_x000D_
-Qualititve evaluation of amendments and technologies in degraded soils
-More outstanding worker in the Ministry of Science Technology and Environment at Las Tunas province,_x000D_
-National Outstanding worker, 2001
Organisation name
Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
Organisation street address
Calle Lucas Ortiz no 163_x000D_
Francisco Vega y Julian Santana
Organisation city
La Habana
Organisation country