Independent experts nominated by country party

Amar Singh Faroda

First name
Amar Singh
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken


Job function
Telephone number
91 291 40584
Work experience
- Total experience of teaching, research and extension eduction - 33 years. The entire experience is working under arid and semi-arid conditions of India._x000D_
- Experience of planning, execution, coordination, supervision, guidance, monitoring and evaluation, etc. of multi-disciplinary team of scientists - Director, central arid zone research Institute, Jodhpur (India). Contd. since September, 1995. Director of extension education, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (Haryana, India), 3 years. Head of regional research station - 5 1/2 years. Head of Dept - 3 years. Project-leader of Project - 6 years, etc._x000D_
- Major aeas of work - Dryland farming, soil and water management, pulse crops, grassland/silvi-pastures and forage crops, integrated farming systems, on-farm testing of improved practices, etc.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B.Sc. (Ag.) - All Agril. Subjects - University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (Raj.), 1962._x000D_
M.Sc. (Ag.) - Agronomy - University of Udaipur (Raj.), 1964._x000D_
Ph.D. - Agronomy-CCS Haryana Agril. University, Hisar (Haryana), 1973.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Faroda, A.S. and Tomar, P.S. (1976). Effect of fertilization on growth fodder yield and quality of cowpea, Forage Res., 2:9-17._x000D_
2. Faroda, A.S., Yadav, R.S., and Pal, R.N. (1978). Comparative economics of specialized dairy farming, mixed farming and arable farming. Haryana agric. Univ. J. Res., 8(4):234-239._x000D_
3. Faroda, A.S. and Singh, R.C. (1983). Effect of preceding crops on the nitrogen need of succeeding wheat crop. Indian J. agric. Sci. 53(2):123-8._x000D_
4. Singh, R.C. and Faroda, A.S. (1985). Effect of kharif pulses, residual and direct phosphorus application on the phosphorus uptake by succeeding wheat. Indian J. Agron., 30(3):329-333._x000D_
5. Bhagwati, P.C., Faroda, A.S. and Malik, R.K. (1989). Competition between wheat and associated weeds at different nitrogen rates. Beitr. trop. Landwirtsch. Vet. Med., 27H4: 427-433.
Other activities
1. Life member of Indian Society of Agronomy, Haryana Agronomists'Association and Arid Zone Research Association of India._x000D_
2. Councillor - Indian Society of Agronomy 1987-1990)._x000D_
2. President - Indian Society of Agronomy (1991-1994)._x000D_
3. President - Haryana Agronomists Association (1985-1994)._x000D_
4. President - Arid Zone Res. Assoc. of India - Since 1995._x000D_
5. Editor - Forage Research - Since 1989.
Organisation name
Central Arid Zone Research Institute
Organisation street address
Jodhpur - 342 003
Organisation city
Organisation country