Independent experts nominated by country party
Anja van Deventer
First name
Last name
van Deventer
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Environmental sciences/ecology
Other Disciplines
1. Ecological restoration 2. Microbiology
3. Waste and water management 4. Environmental Management Systems
Master’s thesis was on Bush encroachment in Rangelands in Rural
South Africa in the North West province (Savanna type landscape). Petra Diamonds policy
development for rehabilitation and ecological management. Management and minimization of
mining impacts in the Northern Cape, Free State, Gauteng and the North West Province.
Development of rapid rehabilitation evaluation methodology for a site in Tanzania (Shinyanga
district), Land function analysis on all sites of Petra Diamond mines
3. Waste and water management 4. Environmental Management Systems
Master’s thesis was on Bush encroachment in Rangelands in Rural
South Africa in the North West province (Savanna type landscape). Petra Diamonds policy
development for rehabilitation and ecological management. Management and minimization of
mining impacts in the Northern Cape, Free State, Gauteng and the North West Province.
Development of rapid rehabilitation evaluation methodology for a site in Tanzania (Shinyanga
district), Land function analysis on all sites of Petra Diamond mines
Thematic Areas
Land restoration/reclamation
UN languages spoken
Geographical Focus
Tanzania, United Republic of
South Africa
Job function
Closure and Rehabilitation Specialist
Group Health Safety Environment and Quality Department
Telephone number
+27 63 257 8491
Work experience
Landcare project we had to working a male dominated environment being very young and female we
had to prove our knowledge and also gain understanding of the rural culture and how to it functions.
Ways of illustrating very complex ecological intricacies was needed to convey the method in an area
where tradition is still very much engrained.
I worked as an Environmental officer in a mine where it was even more male dominated environment
and where most environmental processes was seen as a hassle instead of understanding why these
things should be done. There were so many different levels of education. Technical people also do
not necessarily understand environmental terms, legislation and the implication it can have on
companies. Getting to navigate these difficult waters is troublesome but doable.
had to prove our knowledge and also gain understanding of the rural culture and how to it functions.
Ways of illustrating very complex ecological intricacies was needed to convey the method in an area
where tradition is still very much engrained.
I worked as an Environmental officer in a mine where it was even more male dominated environment
and where most environmental processes was seen as a hassle instead of understanding why these
things should be done. There were so many different levels of education. Technical people also do
not necessarily understand environmental terms, legislation and the implication it can have on
companies. Getting to navigate these difficult waters is troublesome but doable.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1998 – 2000, PU for CHE,
Potchefstroom, SA, B.Sc – Botany, Microbiology (Head subjects), 2001 – 2002,North West
University Potchefstroom, SA, M. Env. Sci. - Ecological remediation and sustainable utilization.
- This included a combination syllabus with 9 modules ranging from conservation ecology and basic
geology to mine dump rehabilitation and ecotoxology.
Potchefstroom, SA, B.Sc – Botany, Microbiology (Head subjects), 2001 – 2002,North West
University Potchefstroom, SA, M. Env. Sci. - Ecological remediation and sustainable utilization.
- This included a combination syllabus with 9 modules ranging from conservation ecology and basic
geology to mine dump rehabilitation and ecotoxology.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. The Evaluation of Bush Thickening in two Management systems in three districts of the North West
Province in South Africa: A LanCare Initiative. 30 October
2. Segment on exclusion plots for above mentioned publication in the World Overview of
Conservation Approaches and Technologies database 2002.
Province in South Africa: A LanCare Initiative. 30 October
2. Segment on exclusion plots for above mentioned publication in the World Overview of
Conservation Approaches and Technologies database 2002.
Other activities
2. Chamber of Mines
2. Chamber of Mines
Organisation nature
Petra Diamonds Pty. Ltd - NGO
Organisation street address
Silver Point Office Park
22 Ealing Crescent, Bryanston
22 Ealing Crescent, Bryanston
Organisation city
Organisation country
South Africa
Organisation website