Independent experts nominated by country party

Apaiti Ravaga Macanawai

First name
Apaiti Ravaga
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Agricultural sciences
Environmental sciences/ecology
Other Disciplines
Pest & pesticide management (Management of pest of economic crops in Fiji, Pesticide management (Registration and monitoring of pesticide use and sales in Fiji); Crop Agronomy & Research (Taro breeding for taro leaf blight resistant); Sustainable land management (Use of NFT for soil erosion control & improvement, Mucuna pruriens as soil cover & fallow crop). Invasive plants (Sphagneticola trilobata & Spathodea campanulata biology & ecology study);
Thematic Areas
Sustainable land management
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Principal Research Officer
Telephone number
Work experience
In ma capacity as the Principal Research Officer - Plant Protection of the Fiji Ministry of Agriculture based at Koronivia Research Station. Provided policy advice and support services to the Director Research on management of crop pests (insects, pathogens and invasive plants) in Fiji. Lead and facilitate the planning, controlling, coordination and reporting of all plant protection activities in the Entomology, Plant Pathology, Weed Research, Fruit fly and Pesticide Registration units. Collaborate with Biosecurity Authority of Fiji to prevent introduction of exotic pests and diseases Advise pesticide dealers on regulatory aspects on pesticide registration as the Registrar of Pesticide. Research Coordinator on a number of projects which includes Mucuna Action Research (FAO/TCP funded project), integrated pest management (ACIAR-funded project) & collaborating scientist - Biological control of Mikania micrantha in Fiji & Paupa New Guinea (ACIAR-funded project).
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD- Agricultural Science (University of Queensland, Australia, 2012
Master in Agriculture, University of South Pacific, 2002
Post-graduate Diploma in Agriculture, University of South Pacific, 2001
Bachelor of Agriculture, University of South pacific, 1996
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1 Macanawai, A.R., Day, M. D. and Adkins, S. W. (2015). Effects of age, length, and pattern of burial on the survival of Mikania micrantha stem sections. Pacific Science Journal 69 (1), 95-102.

2. Macanawai, A.R. (2014). Abundance of non-native plant species in taro (Colocasia esculenta) farms on selected sites in Taveuni Island, Fiji. Fiji Agricultural Journal 54 (1), 69-80.

3. Macanawai, A.R. and Orapa, W. (2014). Efficacy of difference rates of Glyphosate treatments for the control of Jerusalem thorn (Acacia concinna) in Fiji. Fiji Agricultural Journal 54 (1), 88-92.

4. Macanawai, A.R. (2013). Impact of Sphagneticola trilobata on plant diversity in soils in south-east Viti Levu, Fiji. Journal of Life Sciences 7(6). 635-642.

5. Macanawai, A.R., Ebenebe, A.A., Hunter, D., Devitt, L.C., Hafner, G.J., and Harding R.M. (2005). Investigations into the seed and mealybug transmission of Taro bacilliform virus. Australasian Plant Pathology 34, 73-76.
Other activities
• Member of the Fiji Islands Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Management Authority.
• Member of the International Horticulture Congress
• Chief Editor – Fiji Agricultural Journal
• Registrar of Pesticide in Fiji.
•Gold Medal for the Best Postgraduate Thesis in Science and Agriculture, The University of the South Pacific. Fiji.
•John Allwright Fellowship Award – PhD studies at The University of Queensland, Australia.
•The Peter Whiteman Memorial Bursary & The Graduate School Research Travel Grant 2009. The University of Queensland, Australia.
Organisation name
Ministry of Agriculture
Organisation nature
Organisation street address
Organisation city
Organisation country