Independent experts nominated by country party

ArjinderSingh Gill

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken


Job function
Principal Scientist (Agronomist)
Telephone number
91 517 442364
Work experience
I have 30 years of experience in the field of agricultural research. For the last 20 years I have been actively associated in the field of agroforestry research including two years as an expert to the Govt. of Vitetnam in establishment of various agroforestry systems and pastures. I have carried out detailed field studies on various agroforestry where tree is the dominant component. For sustainable agriculture, protection of environment and rural development these were my areas of interest. Farm forestry training at Chinese Academy of Forest, Beijing also helped my research programme. I was P.I. of IDRC aided agroforestry project (1990-1994) and Project Director (April-Oct. 1995) and also Director (Act.) April - Dec. 1995 at the National Res. Centre of Agroforestry, Jhansi, UP, India. Besides agroforestry research experrience, I also possess rich experience in the field of pasture and forage agronomy.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
M.Sc. (Ag.) Agronomy: JNKVV, Jabalpur (MP) 1965._x000D_
Ph.D. (Ag.) Agronomy: Agra University, Agra (UP) 1986.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Gill, A.S. 1996. Agroforestry for sustainable agriculture and environment. In Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (Eds. S. Arya et al) Society Sus. Agril. and NRM, Hisar, pp. 199-206._x000D_
2. Gill, A.S. and B. Lal. 1995. Erosion control in steep lands through Agroforestry, In. Sustainable Reconstruction of Highlands and Head water Regions (Eds. R:B: Singh and Martin J. Haigh). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, pp. 451-475._x000D_
3. Gill, A.S. and B. Lal. 11995. Agroforestry for Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development. In Studies in Indian Agroecosystems (Edss. P.S. Pathak and Brij Gopal), National Institute of Ecology, JNU, New Delhi, pp. 27-34._x000D_
4. Gill, A.S. 1992. Fertiliser management in agroforestry systems. In Non-traditional sections for fertiliser use (Ed. HLS Tandon). FDCO, New Delhi, pp. 124-42._x000D_
5. Gill, A.S. 1997. Agroforestry. In Neem in sustainable agriculture (Eds. S.S. Narwal et al.) Scientific publishers, Johdpur, pp. 51-58
Other activities
1. Member, Faculty of Agriculture, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, UP._x000D_
2. Vice President, Range Management Society of India, Jhansi, UP._x000D_
3. External Examiner for Ph.D. students in Agroforestry/Agril. disciplines._x000D_
4. Dr. Manuel J. Reigosa (Spain) Chairman "Forestry/Agroforestry" invited me to present a paper at the 3rd International Congress on Allelopathy in ecological agriculture and forestry to be held at Dharward (India) during 1988._x000D_
5. Invited to present paper on "Leucaena based agroforestry systems under Indian conditions" at the Workshop to be held at Hanoi (Vietnam) during Feb. 1998.
1. Member of the selection committee for research fellows, CSIR, New Delhi._x000D_
2. Expert to the Govt. of Vietnam (1987-1989).
Organisation name
National Research Centre for Agroforestry
Organisation street address
Near Pahuj Dam, Jhansi, 284003
Organisation city
Uttar Pradesh
Organisation country